View Full Version : Severe health anxiety ruining my life.

04-02-19, 15:54
I dont expect anyone to read this long post, but I wanna go on a bit of a rant, I have always been extremely anxious over lots of tiny things in my life, I was was anxious about cavities for a very long time, then the end of the world, then how well I will do in this weeks swim meet, but my current anxiety has to be the most horrible thing I have ever experienced.

It started almost a year ago on march first, I was in my second year of college studying illustration in hopes of becoming this great graphic designer/artist, I was full of projects and happiness. Then, one night I had this pain on the left side of my breast, as I rolled over to rub it my half asleep mind convinced myself it was breast cancer. The next morning I was very shaken because I have never had a pain wake me up, or a dream/thought like that. So I made the dumb mistake of feeling my breast and googling things about breast cancer, I eventually made myself believe I had it. I was so freaked out I made an appt with my family doctor, she felt the area of concern and told me I was fine and she was very nice. But once I got that validation, my brain then moved throughout my body to scan for other imaginary cancers, over the months I have convinced myself I had sarcoma in my ribs and legs, bone cancer in my hand, brain tumors, lymphoma, and neck cancer, this worry caused horrible pain all over my body, I know my anxiety caused the pain but I actually started to believe I was dying.

I stopped going to the gym 4 times a week (something that I loved) because I believed I shouldn't be working out when I have tumors all over my body. I stopped eating right because there was no point if I was just going to die soon. I stopped hanging out with friends because whenever I left my house my fear of having cancer got worse when I wasn't all by myself and I got moody around people I cared about. After college classes I would come home and cry and curl up in my bed and google everything to try and convince myself I wasn't dying, and art, my favorite passion in the world became hard to do because I was worried I would never be able to draw or paint again because I would be dead soon, it was my only thing to take my mind off of cancer though so I did it anyways.

As the summer started and I began lifeguarding I started taking prozac, I was still an anxious mess while on duty but around september the anxiety finally died down and I felt happy again, then November it and for some ready my breast cancer anxiety came back, I made the dumbest mistake of going off my prozac, so that defiantly did not help at all, I became moody once again and anxious in every class because it was hard to focus on anything but cancer.
fast forward to now, I am getting back on prozac, I saw another doctor about the pain in my breast and she poked in the area and said since it isn't persistent I am okay, she felt no lumps or anything concerning, exactly like my last doctor. but my anxious mind keeps telling me: the cancer is there its just too tiny to feel, the cancer isn't there at the moment but will be there in a couple of years! Heck, my mom even told me she gets the same pain in then same area and from a nerve I am still not relived, I cannot win, I have no logic anymore and it is very hard to distinguish logic from fantasy. I come on here because I am too embarrassed to ever tell this stuff to people in real life because if I did they would think I am insane (ready any of my posts, there ridiculous). I do not know how to stop this, my prozac is hardly even working anymore, I think I am dying 24/7 and I am only 20. I cannot be passionate about anything I love anymore because I think I will be dead soon, I want to live my life again knowing I have a future and knowing I will be okay but no matter what I do my brain will not let me believe it. I would really appreciate any advice, thank you for reading my very long rant.

04-02-19, 15:56
Have you had any sort of talking therapy as yet?

04-02-19, 16:03
Have you had any sort of talking therapy as yet?

This sounds dumb but I’m too ashamed to talk to a therapist, it’s mainly why I come on here.

04-02-19, 16:05
It's not dumb and I get why you're ashamed - you wouldn't believe the stuff I've done when my HA is playing up.

That said, a qualified professional will be able to teach you coping strategies to help you manage the fear. Meds are great, but it can really help to know how to wrangle your anxiety, too. Besides, no matter what you tell them, a therapist will have heard worse.