View Full Version : Hate my brain sometimes :( Flu and worries about it

04-02-19, 21:45
Hi, I haven't posted on here for quite a while, some of you might remember me as I had a thread about my son and my various anxieties about him.

Will try to keep this to the point.

I've had a flu-like virus for about 3 weeks now, it went after about a week mostly but I'm left with a lingering cough and sore throat on the evenings.

About a week ago my 15 year old son came down with it but it seemed worse than mine, he had symptoms such as chills, severe aches (they were only for one day), a high temperature, sore throat and bad cough.

I'm worried now thinking is it even flu? I know for sure it's more than a cold but could it be a chest infection? He is SO tired and just wants to stay in bed and sleep a lot. It's been a week now and it says on NHS website that flu symptoms should get better after a few days, and also says to stay away from Drs surgeries/A&E etc.

But the worry is the fact he has eating issues, it's a virtually unheard of eating disorder and I have no idea if he's deficient in any vitamins etc so is that an underlying health issue?

I'm shaking and panicking and have been for a week now, can anyone help and tell me their flu experiences?? The thing I'm most worried about is how lethargic he is and not wanting to do anything other than be in bed.

04-02-19, 22:30
It may well not be flu. There are all kinds of viruses around at the moment. Ones that really linger too. My son has similar and has had for weeks on end. Cough, sore throat, banging head ache, chills. He finally dragged himself to the dr.s today and the whole lot has converged on his tonsils. They are a right mess and he has antibiotics, plus pain killers and throat spray.
Let's hope they both feel better soon. It's hard when your kids are ill, even when they are grown up like mine.

04-02-19, 22:42
Hey Darksky, sorry to hear this about your son :ohmy: Sounds like he's really going through it. I hope he starts to feel better asap.

Will see how it goes then, the problem is my son refuses all painkillers and has told me outright he won't take antibiotics, so that is a worry.