View Full Version : Feeling like i'm going to lose someone soon.

05-02-19, 19:43
Hi all,

Recently my anxiety got very bad (not sure why). I have this very frequent feeling like someone close to me is going to die soon, be it my grandparents, parents, or my sister. It's really horrible and i'm not sure what to do. :weep:

I'm starting to get frequent panic attacks too. They always seem to occur at the exact same time (2:30-3am) and they always come with vomiting, frequent urination, feeling ice cold, and being utterly and completely convinced that your family member has just died (they never have).

My parents are fit and healthy but my sister suffers from severe anxiety and depression and i'm terrified she'll do something bad. I heard she's not actually suicidal but i'm still so worried about her.

I've signed up for counselling at my uni and i'm doing my best to stay calm and relaxed, but it's constantly exhausting and overwhelming.

What can I do?

07-02-19, 21:57
I dont really know the answer to this one but I get it too, especially about my parents who are getting older. I just try and tell myself that my time with my loved ones now is precious and it's important to enjoy every minute I spend with them rather than waste it worrying. I dont want to look back one day and think I wasted this precious time. spend more time with your sister, do fun things together to takes both your minds off your mental health xx