View Full Version : A bit of a success story....but a bit of reassurance still needed

06-02-19, 17:31
Hi everyone,

Just here to talk about what I feel is a small step in the right direction for me. Over the past little while, I have experienced a lot of muscle soreness, perceived weakness and some tingling (90% in my right forearm/upper arm) It all started about last May. Would be using my arm for something and it would feel tired, sore,etc It would kind of feel like a build up of lactic acid type of thing like when you have been working out. I went to a walk in clinic last summer as well as a physio and they both told me its probably a pinched nerve. Normally I would have gone to 2 or 3 more doctors to get a diagnosis, but I stopped. It seemed to get better over the summer, and fall. Noted, I have been very stressed over the past year. I got a home, mortgage, bills, and everything that comes along with it.

In December I got married, about a month after that I began to feel some tingling in my right foot. Midway throuh that we went on out honeymon and guess what..90% of my symptoms disappeared for that week. Now I am starting to feel some more of this right arm soreness/muscle tiredness again.

I have read a lot on here about how our muscles tense up when we are super stressed and it can cause all sorts of symptoms. However, does this sound like stress and anxiety is still causing it? My biggest problem is me focusing on my symptoms, it is still something I am trying to overcome.

07-02-19, 02:37
Could be something related to the way you sit at work, your chair, uncomfortable posture poses etc. You know humans were not designed to sit still looking like a question mark for 10 hours a day. Anxiety may make you notice it more, but I personally don't think that it causes it. Do you exercise regularly? If not, I suggest that you should.