View Full Version : Help tonsil stones?

06-02-19, 19:31
I’ve been having a weird food stuck in my throat feeling for a few weeks. I’ve looked in the back of my throat and am fairly certain I saw a tonsil stone in the hole of my tonsil (where you can’t get to it). I’m now having dull ear pain on that side and I’m freaking out... could this be something worse?

06-02-19, 19:33
Tonsil stones aggravate the tissue around them, they can cause low grade sore throats and (at least in my experience) can cause mild pain in the ear.

06-02-19, 19:38
Tonsil stones aggravate the tissue around them, they can cause low grade sore throats and (at least in my experience) can cause mild pain in the ear.

+1 for this

06-02-19, 19:41
Tonsil stones aggravate the tissue around them, they can cause low grade sore throats and (at least in my experience) can cause mild pain in the ear.

Any advice for removing it? I’ve been poking around. Gargling.. everything. It’s in there deep (if that’s what it is).

06-02-19, 23:43
If you have a water pik shooting a stream of water back there, alternating with gargling helps remove them. You can also use the handle of a tooth brush and push above or behind to push it out, but be very careful. I gargle daily with Therabreath and I think it helps prevent them.

07-02-19, 14:35
I wouldn’t go poking at them. Get a strong mouthwash and gargle with it daily. I’ve had these before and picking them only aggravated them.

chatty girl
07-02-19, 18:09
I've been getting tonsil stones for years! They are foul tasting and smelling things! I've tried various things to get them out and if you don't you will eventually get an awful taste in your mouth and the thing will become so big it will push itself out!!

Best advice......a bobbie pin works wonders! You can just lift the beast out and get rid!

Good luck


17-02-19, 23:13
I haven’t had one of these for years but used to get them regularly. I used to get mine out with a cotton bud, squeezing just to the side to pop it out. Horrible stenchy things. Hope you’ve managed to get rid of it. I used to get a sore throat sometimes with mine.

18-02-19, 02:53
Honestly, I just shoot a flashlight at my tonsils and poke them with my finger until all the stones pop out. I have noticed that I get more tonsil stones when I'm stressed out, not sure why. I used to get them constantly before I started CPAP for my sleep apnea (body was stressed from not sleeping).

19-02-19, 00:16
I've had tonsil stones all my life. I used to think they were normal and never knew some people didn't get them, ha! I only get maybe one every few months normally, but when I do have them, they definitely feel like something stuck in my throat. In fact I remember feeling that sensation as a kid and not knowing what it came from. It usually vanishes after a week or so.