View Full Version : mysterious eye pain that comes and goes

07-02-19, 11:09
okay. i always feel like kicking myself when i come back here again after such a good long streak, but im at my wit's end here!

for months now, probably like 6-7 at this point as i remember this was a problem for me a couple of semesters ago, have i had this eye pain come and go. it's like i got a scratch on my eye, i felt like i did get one walking to get food on a windy day and some sand got in there. and now ever since then, sometimes with weeks in between, that i get that pain back. i was being stupid hopeful thinking that maybe it was just being slow to heal because i couldn't see a doctor, but no! See, the thing is that I see something on my cornea. The edge of I, where the pain originates, it's like it is a little scratch/ridge in it that's not different colored or anything, it's just... there! and i don't know what it is and its been driving me up the wall. i know Google isnour enemy but i don't know what to Google to even find something that looks like what this is. my fear is that it's the c word, or a piece of glass that's lodged in my eye, or something that'll threaten my vision... im so close to being in a place where i can be financially stable, but i might just say screw it and go to the eye clinic in Walmart of All places to see if they have any idea what it is.
it's freaking me out, and it hurts! I made the mistake of rubbing at it, thinking maybe it was just an eye booger because i thought it moved, and it feels the worst it has in forever
what i found out is that if i wear sunglasses for a long time, the pain goes away. that or if i keep my eyes shut down a while, like thirty minutes to an hour. it just feels like an irritation most of the time, but if i rub at it too much, it starts hurting for real. ive tried gas station eye drops before and some eye irrigation cleansing liquid, nothing. washed out with water was worked maybe once. i just wanna know what this COULD be and i really don't want it to be life threatening or dangerous, it's driving me up the wall and i feel like im going to cry!

07-02-19, 14:21
if i rub at it too much, it starts hurting for real.

Here is your diagnosis. You've admitted it yourself. STOP RUBBING IT, or you can damage your eye for real. You've been fine for 7 months since that alleged "incident", there is nothing stuck there. Just stop creating self harm!

07-02-19, 14:26
Stop rubbing your eye! Get eye drops they could be dry I’ve had this happen. Leave your eyes alone you’ve had them checked by a doctor I’m sure you’re irritating them further rubbing them constantly. It’s been a few months if anything was up with your eyes or vision you’d know well by now. Deep breaths.