View Full Version : Has anyone's anxiety turn into paranoia ?

mary jane
07-02-19, 15:30
HI everyone

Recently I've lost control over my anxiety again and for the past 2 months I developed severe paranoia from work stress.
I was on a fixed term contract with the promise of being made permanent however 2 months before the end of the contract was told by the FD they can't renew the contract as they can't let temporary staff work for more than a year.

This left me with very limited time to find a new job (in the end I was successful)

During that time I had severe paranoia due to my toxic work place. I constantly worried about being gossiped about, stressed when they asked me to train my replacement. I non stop worried and imagined everyone hates me at work, especially people in my own team.

This paranoia has extended to medical care. I have zero confidence in anything my GP tells me, I always google to check if they are correct or not. I've learned in the past that doctors LIE, especially when it come to post-surgery nerve damage/chronic pain so I lost all confidence in them.

Also whenever I date a new bloke I constantly worry he is trying to use me and/or will ghost me. Makes trusting others very hard.

I also suffer from vulvodynia which is poorly treated so that doesn't help.

Has anyone else discovered this new symptom of anxiety?

Sorry for the long post

11-02-19, 00:32
Hi, I’m New and after years of struggling with anxiety and my old doctor just pushing my onto one CBT to another without much improvement, I finally got a new doctor who has been very sympathetic.

In response to your question, both my brother and I suffer from severe depression and General Anxiety Disorder. My brother displayed paranoia for quite some time ( he thought his colleagues were ganging up on him to wind him up so he would lose his temper and get sacked) later I also had some paranoid thoughts regarding my neighbour who once came to my home to say my dog had barked in the back yard. For nearly a week after I was sure she was watching and listening to try and get my dog to bark so she could report me. It was so bad I hardly slept and I was on high alert with every sound. So yeah I think it does create paranoia

11-02-19, 01:18
Hi Mary Jane
Yes, sometimes anxiety and paranoia do go together. I have had this in the work place before and it is tougher when you've not been somewhere very long. I feel established where I am now and feel far more confident and less worried about others gossiping than I would have done in the past. The same is true of relationships - it takes time to build up trust, especially when you're anxious, but it CAN be done if you try. Go easy on yourself and accept your limitations due to anxiety. Remember, it is also a handicap to be too trusting - it is having some natural cautiousness that keeps us safe from the whole variety of con artists that exist in everyday life.

14-02-19, 22:49
Yes definitely, dont really want to go into it but Ive been so paranoid at times its crazy, its like another rabbit hole that you fall into and lose all sense of ration thought. Not great but my voice of reason does eventually show up and help me flick the switch and turn the spinning paranoid thoughts off. I just have to sit with it for awhile and ride the wave.

16-02-19, 12:15
Mine can (and sometimes does) :hugs:

16-02-19, 13:58
A bit off topic but I hope your Gp has tried neuropathic pain killers like pregabalin, amitriptiline or similar. If not I hope pain clinic available.
Good luck.
Please note I am retired so advice is NOT from practitioner with insurance.

When I am anxious I get severely paranoid that my kids don’t care!
(Bereaved Gp)