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07-02-19, 19:00
I have a new manager at work well he is actually my old manager but anyway he’s changed and is now very strict so my work is stressful. Should I stick with it or find a new job which can also be stressful?

With anxiety it’s hard not to be off work when it gets very stressful :unsure:

I raised the issue with the manger today and he looked through my work record form 2014 to pick faults or times I was pulled up. He is also wanting me to use the tannoy system despite me not being confident.

I usually stock shelves and this manager decided past two days I would do two 9 hour shifts on a till..

07-02-19, 21:12
I take it any change to your normal work routine is stressful?

Is your manager aware of your mental health issues?

07-02-19, 21:18
I take it any change to your normal work routine is stressful?

Is your manager aware of your mental health issues?

I said I was stressed without going into detail so I’m not sure if he knows

And yes I find change stressful :huh:

07-02-19, 21:27
I think it's important to tell him about your issues if you can. If he doesn't know then he will just cause you added stress by changing your duties around as it suits him.

He will probably want to see written confirmation of your diagnosis by your psychiatrist but this will help you in the long run.

07-02-19, 22:06
I think it's important to tell him about your issues if you can. If he doesn't know then he will just cause you added stress by changing your duties around as it suits him.

He will probably want to see written confirmation of your diagnosis by your psychiatrist but this will help you in the long run.

Yes I mean when I had a breakdown in 2016 they got written confirmation then so it may still be on the system.

I hope I can make work tomorrow :blush:

08-02-19, 08:08
Do you have an HR department.

It is usual to inform HR who will then give the necessary recommendations to your boss, without going into details.

That is how is should work anyway.

11-02-19, 00:49
Phil - if you usually stock the shelves and you've suddenly been stuck on the tills for a couple of 9 hour shifts that's quite a change. Some people may prefer direct customer contact, but others are more suited to stock work. As Elen states, it may be best to take this up with HR. If the HR Department know about your situation they have the power to get your boss to make adjustments to your routines and rotas so they are more appropriate. Recent legislation puts more pressure on employers to look after the mental health of their workers, thank goodness.

11-02-19, 12:56
Phil - if you usually stock the shelves and you've suddenly been stuck on the tills for a couple of 9 hour shifts that's quite a change. Some people may prefer direct customer contact, but others are more suited to stock work. As Elen states, it may be best to take this up with HR. If the HR Department know about your situation they have the power to get your boss to make adjustments to your routines and rotas so they are more appropriate. Recent legislation puts more pressure on employers to look after the mental health of their workers, thank goodness.

I spoke up and got a little less tills instead going on occasionally but he’s pitching me to do other jobs now which is more pressure as he thinks he is doing me a favour :huh: