View Full Version : Slipping back into bad habits

08-02-19, 00:21
I lived with my Mum and little brother who is 21 and im in a long distance relationship for 4 and a half years with a man from Ireland. My Mum is very bad with money so me and my brother got a joint contract for a flat that the 3 of us lived in. My brother had mentioned that he was getting a mortgage the next year so I would be able to move in with my partner then. He never got one but my partner and I still wanted to move in together.

Me and my partner spotted another flat we loved and wanted to move in together. I knew my mum and brother couldn't afford to be alone yet so I offered them an extra 12 months at our flat to sort things out and to help them save for their own place. Me and my partner payed the deposit, all fees and pay more rent and bills as there is two of us. My brother is on the contract though as my partner hadn't moved over yet so my brother signed.

My brother got with a girl a week before my partner moved over and practially moved her in from day one. She was there every night and started staying during the day with just me and my partner. Hes very shy around strangers and had just left his family. I suffer terribly from social anxiety,GAD and OCD and the only place I feel comfortable is my own home but now there was a stranger there who I didn't know and I feel so uncomfortable in my own home.

He got her keys cut without discussing it or asking us, she let's herself in when nobody is here and has baths etc all the time. The walls in their room are getting mold growth as they don't air the room, open curtains, open the door or anything. Neither of them have offered any extra money for her and me and my brother keep falling out because he doesn't think he's doing anything wrong and I'm being made to be the bad guy everytime I mention it. I work from home too so it's even worse that she is left in the flat with me on my own all day.

The agreement was to let my mum and brother stay 12 months until he got his mortgage sorted and they were in a better place financially not for another person to be here all of the time. She doesn't work and sits in bed all day. My mum washes their clothes, cleans up after them and I do all the housework etc and they do nothing.

We don't want her here but he won't listen at all and keeps saying I'm the one being awkward. I had therapy last year for really bad health anxiety and had just got control over it and now all this stress has brought it back to the surface and I'm terrified I'm going to back at square one where health anxiety and OCD about germs and dirt is ruling my life again.
What do I do?? Stuck 😥