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View Full Version : Antidepressants for health anxiety?

08-02-19, 00:38
Hi everyone.
I've had severe health anxiety ever since my close friend died from ALS. Sometimes it literally prevents me from leading a normal and functioning life. So I finally decided to make an appointment with psychiatrist but I heard from many people that they treat it with a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and anti-depressants.
The thought of using these pills scares me because I heard of many side effects and the one which bothers me the most is sexual dysfunction which is sometimes even permanent (post SSRI sexual dysfunction) and may never return to normal. I don't want to ruin my life even more with these awful pills especially now when I finally found myself in a serious relationship. Are there any alternatives?
Please share your thought and experiences regarding this matter if you have any. Thanks

08-02-19, 04:41
Different people react differently to different meds. I had a nightmare experience with one SSRI twenty years ago, but I recently started another and it's given me my life back.

For what it's worth, my sex life is better than before I started (albeit still a work in progress due to certain phobias) and I can absolutely still reach orgasm.

08-02-19, 08:42
Depends on type and dose. Didn't affect my libido until I hit post-menopause!! :shrug:

08-02-19, 10:35
Ok thanks, but I read that it affects up to 70% of people who use AD, so you probably were among those lucky ones. There is an antidepressant moclobemide (aurorix) which apparently doesn't affect sex life and even improves it in many cases but I'm not sure whether it's used for treating hypochondria. Did anyone of you use AD for hypochondria? If so, were they effective?

08-02-19, 20:21

The frequency of sexual dysfunction is anywhere from as low as 15% to >80%. This side effect is dose dependent, e.g. the more you take, the more likely you are to experience it.

Seemingly, you've researched this in-depth, and you are correct. In select patients who do experience the sexual dysfucntion, it is accepted that some may not regain their sexual function.

However, one thing I'd like to say (and this is my personal opinion) is that it is also well recognised and accepted that sexual function is commonly impaired in people with depression.

Patients who reported sexual dysfunction following SSRI cessation could be experiencing prolonged dysfunction due to their depression and not the fact they took SSRIs. We have a bit of a 'cause and effect' conclusion going on to say its definitely the SSRIs.

In erectile dysfunction, for example, the man may have one bad experience where he, for whatever reason, can't keep an erection. And then he maybe felt he let the partner down. Then he'll find each time he goes to have sex, the experience will repeat itself. It's not that he can't get an erection - it's just that the anxiety surrounding him prevents him from doing so. This could come into play with the SSRI/sexual dysfunction scenario.

However, I must say professionally it is accepted that a select few may not regain their sexual function; I'd also be lying to say I've researched this into any great detail, other than lectures etc at university.

You sound like you're in a bad way so it is worthwhile seeing your psychiatrist for evaluation, and you can discuss your concerns with him or her. Certainly, I think it would be unwise to let your anxiety/depression go untreated.

Good luck

Edit: SSRIs are fantastic, effective and safe medications. Nobody should stop taking them for any reason without their doctors approval. Irrespective of what they read online.