View Full Version : Chest pain and left arm discomfort for days

08-02-19, 16:27
Hi everyone. I've been having chest pain and tightness as well as left arm pain and discomfort for a few days now. This all started when I got really mad and emotional about something and then the symptoms started happening so of course I thought about heart attack. I'm 22 and overweight( thanks Lexapro :curse:). I know my age is young but the fat I put on from weight gain worries me. Soooo I am in the middle of cross-tapering from Lexapro to Viibryd which my new psychiatrist suggested since Viibryd is supposedly weight neutral.

So I'm wondering if this is just from anxiety? I've had this sensation before when I had a big panic attack in college, did and EKG and everything was fine back then. I'm thinking of going to the doctor to get an EKG again. I have to go and do my annual check up and blood work anyways so couldn't hurt to ask? Idk this is just frustrating me. Perhaps this is from withdrawal from the Lexapro? Anyone have any experiences with chest pain or shallow breath when weaning off of meds?

08-02-19, 17:14
I don’t see any problem with asking for an EKG! They are really fast to perform and cheap. I do know in my experience with panic disorder and anxiety that my anxiety attacks make me feel as if I am having a heart attack. I get short of breath and chest pain sometimes, anxiety attacks just make symptoms so much worse! I would ask for an EKG if it’ll make you feel better

10-02-19, 03:46
I remember when I was first diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks my chest arm down my side hurt so bad it felt like a heart attack it was due to tensing up my muscles as a few people told me on here if you're having a heart attack you wouldn't be able to post on the forum.