View Full Version : Obsession over lumps on neck and jaw continue...

09-02-19, 14:29
It's been a few years since I've posted on here. Had about two good years almost free of HA, but for about the past year it's come back.

For the past 4 years now, under my jaw on the left side I've have a larger feeling lymph node. Around that time I also noticed a lump on the front of my jaw left side. Went to the dr many times over this. They told me the one on the front on my jaw left side was just salivary glands. I don't know anyone else who can feel their salivary glands....as of two years ago I can also feel what I assume is a gland on my left side also right below my ear on my jaw. Since I've noticed them all they've stayed about the same size. I even had an ultrasound on the one under my jaw to make sure it was fine.

No doctor I saw ever seemed concerned about them...but here I am still worrying. I'm overweight so it's not because I'm thin and that's why I feel them. But I also know that I've been told I would know that it's cancer at this point....

I don't really have any other symptoms besides fatigue, but I think that could be because of my diet and also depression.

I guess basically my point in posting this is that I'm wondering if anyone else is able to feel their salivary glands? I was shocked when the dr's weren't surprised by it.

I'm going to the doctor for a check up on Wednesday, as I haven't been for a few years.... I hope it's able to bring some comfort.

And thank you to this community....now when I do a a google search of my symptoms I just type "nomorepanic" after to avoid seeing things that will make me feel worse...and instead I end up feeling a little bit better.

09-02-19, 16:41
We have dozens and dozens of glands in our bodies and 500-700 nodes. At any given time, if you poke and prod enough, you'll feel a few.

Due to your anxiety, you happen to focus on a couple you discovered. Doctors aren't concerned and ultimately, nor should you be.

The "Told Ya So" gang will be on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

09-02-19, 19:00
We have dozens and dozens of glands in our bodies and 500-700 nodes. At any given time, if you poke and prod enough, you'll feel a few.

Due to your anxiety, you happen to focus on a couple you discovered. Doctors aren't concerned and ultimately, nor should you be.

The "Told Ya So" gang will be on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

Thank you:hugs: