View Full Version : probably stupid this has been bugging me for some time lead in hot tap water worry

09-02-19, 16:28
hey guys
Have been managing quite well with the HA lately. I however have this stupid fear that is little but has possibly been bugging me for quite some time now. What it is, is a fear of drinking or washing my hands with, warm or hot tap water even if it has been filtered I have fear that the hot water will contaminate food and hands with lead. We have a pur filter installed on our tap now but I still avoid using hot water a lot of the time. This is so annoying because I will suffer freezing water when I could possibly be using water that is hot or warm safely. I should add that I don't have problem showering with warm water which is strange quite frankly. The:wacko: fear is drinking lead or touching food that has been touched by the lead from the hot water.

This all started from me freaking out over hearing on the radio years back about that if you drink hot tap water that you will get lead poisoning
! From then on I have avoided warm or hot water for drinking or washing hands most of the time unless I really have to use it. Even then I will sanitise my hands obsessively afterword, which makes my skin brittle and this is so annoying! What is the lead thing all about? Can anyone relate? Am I just overreacting? I believe we have plastic pyping but even still I obsess over this please help!

09-02-19, 16:46
Just want to point out a few of your own words here....

. I however have this stupid fear.....

This all started from me freaking out over hearing on the radio years back about that if you drink hot tap water that you will get lead poisoning

Am I just overreacting?

Yes, you're totally overreacting. Besides, who actually drinks hot tap water? :huh:

Positive thoughts

09-02-19, 21:15
You're overreacting. The only way hot water would increase the possibility of lead poisoning was if your pipes were made a lead and leeching it into your water. This is unlikely. You could always have your water tested, but I don't see any reason to do so.