View Full Version : Personal diary but hope it helps other

09-02-19, 21:00
Decided to keep a diary of things that I’ve noticed have gone well to remind what my mind can be capable . Woke up after an not great night but good considering I had night where I have not managed tonsleep well when not on sleeping tablets so after a few hours sleep I woke up anxious and dizzy again but what I did notice is that as i pushed through my dizzy spells as the day progress the dizzy spells passed as day progress and my anxiety reduced today . I’ve also had thought time today with breathing and chest feeling tight another anxiety thing I get when I concentrate to hard on breathing techniques again some time when not thinking about it does stop till I notice 😂. Back on sleepers for another 3 days to be taken at about 9:30 and I’m hoping by time I’ve finishef them I can start sleeping on my own. I’m proud of myself as last week I was climbing the walls and this week by comparison and it important to remember the good as it’s so much easier to remember the bad . I have got this ❤️

10-02-19, 09:39
Well took my pill later by accident and this morning I’m feeling very sleepy, drowsy but nuaseous and I have a bit of anxiety I’m calling this the zopiclone hanger over and I’m hopping it will pass over the course of the day and I have to rembenber I’m still catching up on sleep as yesterday I only functioned on between 2-4 hours sleep and at least I’m now sleeping with the sleeping tablets there was night I wasn’t even able to sleep on my sleepers

11-02-19, 19:45
Doing really well slept well startingbto feel human again starting doing more crafty stuff which is a bonus x

13-02-19, 07:51
Well last night was a night with out sleepers and I just ended up in a tie about sleep �� I think I must have fell a sleep in parts so I’m trying to see that as a positive and try not to get to wound up in the anxiety of it all as I think that why I’m no sleeping I could just feel the anxiety building up the more and more I tried to sleep x

13-02-19, 12:16
Feeling very low and negative today

16-02-19, 17:28
Wow last night i managed to sleep with out any sleeping tablets!!!!!!! After about two weeks of not sleeping properly I slept from about 10:30 TIL 6 am then managed to fall a sleep again after that . Have had chest tightness that has coincided with taking propranolol so had to stop that as well under medical advice of crisis team but I have to say so pleased and proud to have an un medicated sleep ( not including pain relief ) may it continue and it’s evidence in the bank that I can sleep !! And hopefully helps reduce the anxiety of sleep and overall reduce anxiety in general x

19-02-19, 20:56
More sleeps with out sleeping tablets whoop whoop still having the annoying breathing issue mainly worse when stressed so convinced anxiety but hopefully will pass x

01-03-19, 07:10
Poop not so good night sleep this was after a therapy session and lots of arguments through out day with husband and friend coming over very late and husband not reading my relaxation to me as he went out so little disappointed. It felt like I didn’t sleep but I must have slept. It’s not helped by a horrid cold a dry throat and husband coming back into bed again and me getting stressed by his snoring 😴. It’s just one really crappy night it doesn’t mean more to follow and should need to worry as I’ve had about two weeks of fairly good sleep so the odd night of bad shouldn’t effect me to badly x x

14-03-19, 03:13
Well I was doing really well until arguments I say argument me been about at for about 20 mins and suddenly I get more depressed more anxious and agitated and resulting in no sleep tonight but I have to remember I’ve done really well sleep wise up till now!!!! That’s amazing last bad night sleep was the 1st so that’s a solide two weeks of decent sleep !!! And even that was down to snoring husband 😂 it was the 16th so that just about a whole month with just about me crappy night till now and it mainly down to the stress I’m under . This give me hope just wish the anxiety would go and I’d be in less fear even better if I can breath properly again I hate anxiety symptoms some times 😭

17-03-19, 17:27
Poop I can’t feel my anxiety go down hill as tablet free night tonight and I don’t think I slept to well on a zopiclone night. I’m feeling very frustrated with my self and trying my hardest not get to anxious but today has been a struggle 😒 well I’m going to try taking a diazepam in a bit try and calm my nerves half the fun is trying to work out when 😭

18-03-19, 09:13
Well couldn’t sleep till
About 3:30 so went sleep down stairs braved the propranolol as I clearly had a lot of adrenaline pumping round and managed to sleep a couple of hours till I was woken up by my arm but taking it as a positive!! As at least I managed a couple of hours sleep wise !!! Bit anxious about the breathing thing but I stopped the propranolol a while ago and still have tight can’t take a full breath thing going on and . But a couple of hours is amazing compared to the none on Wednesday night . I need to learn to stop the fear of not getting a full night sleep . One way is not looking at the clock ⏰ !!!

19-03-19, 07:51
Day on eback on sleeper slept okish but was dressed out by my husband tellingme he was coming home then not tell me how was having a chat with his mate first the coming home wohich resulted with me trying to sleep when he is clonking and banging about !!! Which I feel add more to the stress but foot news is I slept will till about 4 pm then again til about 7 ish !! Still waking up a bit hypo sensitive but I hoping an less stressful night going to bed may may make it easier and 7 hours sleep iisngreat for the sleep bank 😊

20-03-19, 05:11
Second sleeping pill night and tonight can’t sleep always frsutrating when on a sleeping pill you can’t sleep 😭 well got therapy Thursday and seeing mental health team but what I have learnt if I can’t sleep lie thee and rest that’s all I can do and try to stay positive and optimistic x

21-03-19, 20:47
Zoplicline free night I’ve take half a diazepam at 7.30 pm ish a program 40 mg as I was having palpitations going up the straits I will have other half at 9:30 pm fx had therapy today itbwas tough lots of tears but husband has agreed to allow me some me time free
Of responsibility for a day . Also trying diaphragm breathing . Did accidentally half sleep on sofa so I’m hoping it serves well do a good nights sleep as I’m
Obviously tired got mental health clinic tomorrow so hoping theybmay offer more support sleep wise need to remember to ask for advocacy etc x

22-03-19, 21:17
Saw mental health team not much fun seems everyone push for me to leave my husband which I find hard and seem to think he is keeping me ill .This time told to take zopiclone till im sleep properly then cut down and not to have break every 3 days . Im pissed because I have been told in past had break on the 3rd day by the nurse crisis and I find when sleep
Deprived my judgement is impaired well finger crossed 4-6 hours would be nice 😂

23-03-19, 09:30
Whoop slept right through!!!!!! Well wok up at 4 :30 and to pain killer but whoop whoop took zopiclone and 9:15 and went bed early

26-03-19, 22:49
This is why I’m glad I have the diary didn’t realise I slept right through on the 23rd you forget the good sometimes not slept amazingly but not the worse ! I think I’m on about 4-5 day in a row with sleepers because I let my husband back In the bed one night woke me up 6 x with snoring !!!! I always try to stay positive but today felt like he completely stripped me of that. I have noticed when in low mood means low energy which makes me feel like I slept like shit when I haven’t my sleep aint that bad I just struggle to fall a sleep sometime . So tomorrow is a different day got to try to be positive pick myself up x

28-03-19, 23:35
Therapy seem to go well we discussed about having boundaries which John seemed to undertstand with some discussion why I would be good for the both of us and to be less scared or me being irritated he was veiwingbit as me being annoyed and I’m not it’s irritation and it’s a fleeting thought but he was seeing it as me hating him for ever. Trying day off the zopiclone seem to have some anxiety and the annoying palpitations which are soo annoying I just want to fall a sleep normally and I end up tryin so hard and end up frustrated. It’s crazy because I feel so tired but it’s like I’m just hypersensitive and find it hard to fall a sleep . But I slept yesterday with sleeper I can do not hope soon I will be able to again x

29-03-19, 05:03
Managed an hours sleep had night mare woke up now can’t sleep having palpitations and hypersensitive to noise tonight so tired yet can’t sleep only two sleeper left befor have to go dr and try get more I’m hoping I don’t have to this is so frustrating I will get there I’ve done it before just need to relax about the sleep x

29-03-19, 17:02
Well last night wasn’t the best 😂 I’m very tired now but managing I did manage to go in and out of dream type sleeps about 5 am in the end so about 2-3 hours which is better then none so hoping will be sleeping better by the weekend!! I had an appointment with the advocate and gave me a great information sheet on pip and mental health claims . I also have other health issue so I’m feeling a bit more confident and he said explain what it’s like on your worst days so I’m going to write the courts a letter pointing out where I think I would score describing my worste days

30-03-19, 09:13
Sleeping pill last night along with a propranolol at 9.15 is and bed about 10:39. But I still managed to go to sleep which is amazing woke up about half 7 still feeling a bit doppy did wake up at 1:30 so why we and went back to bed not sure why I keep waking up a t random times ?! But I’m happy it is sleep In the sleep bank . I need to work on the fear of know sleep think I need to fill in a thought or worry sheet to put my head at rest . Husband is going away for three days and I think I’m worried about the not sleep and functioning with a four year old x

30-03-19, 23:00
Positive vibes me think propranolol about 7:30 8 pm ish zopiclone about 9:20 bit late to bed I know especially with loss in the night of the extra how in bed but cruel for motherday . But I’m hoping positive reports here on in sleep wise x

31-03-19, 09:25
Wahoo slept right through till about 9.20 am . Zopiclone free night I’m hoping for won’t be going back to drs tomorrow and that I will sleep fine with out them x

01-04-19, 00:29
Zopiclone free day and again strugglingbto just be calm enough to drift of at mo no palpitations just ear ringing but I felt like I could hear music in the distance try to stay calm had half a diazepam and seeing if that enough to help me fall a sleep it so frustrating as I can fall a sleep in the day easier if I’ve not slept . But will try be positive only 12. 30 am x

01-04-19, 08:27
Well was awake till 2:30 am till I put some bed sick on and too my pain killers my vulvodynia is playing up and so was my arm last night the joys 😭 but after 3 pm I fell a sleep notbthe deepest but it is sleep eventually with out a tablet so gives me hope as the other week I only got an an hour x

01-04-19, 21:38
Dr priscibed me a 28 day supply worth which I find encouraging as he knows I am sensible and really do not want to be addicted . Plan is to take for 3 days good sleep then cut or stop I’m hoping to be off them by the end of the week x

03-04-19, 07:49
2nd night on the zopiclone felt like it I didn’t sleep fantastically but at least in sleeping I think im anxious as husband will be away for 3 days and it may have had an effect that and been in pain with my shoulder waking me up . One more sleep before break befonding I sleep well . I just can not wait to be able to sleep with out been anxious and fall a sleep normall I don’t mind waking up lots as long as I can fall a sleep

03-04-19, 08:25
Well after a little
Chat with the old man it turn out our daughter woke up several times crying out I sleep through so I was waking up Shearly to pain and when dreaming I think some times I think I awak but I’m not x

04-04-19, 00:25
Well today would have been third day on zopiclone n massive anxiety kick I think I fell a sleep had a night mare woke ups feeling anxious so going to take propranolol and chamomile and try go back to sleep my anxiety levels may have been a bit to high for it to work with properly 😒 as husband going away for 3 days so I’m left alone lookingbafter 4 year whom is my world so my big anxiety is not being able to cope and I’ll struggle x

05-04-19, 00:05
Pill free day !! And struggling to sleep husband away and to be honest I do feel really tired but can feel thanxiety wizzingbaroud so I’ve tried to sleep gone down stairs to make a chamomile I’m going to let it brew take it it up stairs drink and try again maybe try some mindfulness and be positive any sleep the natural way if I can is better then none let’s break this cycle x

06-04-19, 08:19
Another sleeping pill day last night was bit stressful as my little girl was refusing to sleep and I’m on my own with her for three day soo tired this morning I couldn’t work out how to turn her alarm of but for the first time in a while I fell pretty much a sleep and stayed till 6:30 where I woke from pain an needinf to wee so I think I’m getting there . Not having the husband around has been mixed blessing feeling a bit more lonely but less stressed I feel I’m n emotional punch bag for him. Both therapist say leave him but not sure if I can x.

I’m putting the failure of full night down to stress an over thinking of law suit feeling like I’m on trial mysel x

07-04-19, 01:43
Had palpitations before going to then when my hunsband came back worse was sleeping tablet day as well took at 9:30 and still awake from my heart racing because his back 😢

10-04-19, 00:41
Almost had it tonight butbjust in so much pain resulting and anxiety and panic so down stairs calm down and try again x

11-04-19, 08:43
Sleeping pill day and slept not problem so I think im getting closer to sleeping with out them x

12-04-19, 00:06
Crapish next get took sleeper but had major palpabsonhaving a chamomile and trying again feel like I can barely keep my eyes open x

13-04-19, 23:43
Last night on sleeping tablet slept through from 10:30 til 5 :30 tonight I’m struggling again but did have news from solicitors I have two case running one for food poising which I’m still recovering from in. And pip . So hoping if I can calm down a second chamomile I may still get a fairly decent night sleep . My vulvodynia flairs ain’t helping but stress can make that worse x

14-04-19, 07:17
Well last night didn’t sleep fantastically but I did some didn’t look at the clock till 5:30 pm so key is don’t stare at the clock I feel i must have been sleep through some part so some is better then none and I’m sure it will get there . Yesterday was a stressful thought filled day so I’m not surprised x

15-04-19, 02:36
Fell a sleep ok but woke about 1:30 bit panicky I hate taking zopiclone this long but said tilll slept three full night and I havet . I’ve put lush sleepy to see if it helps also on my feet to help soften skin but on my wrists mainly may try chest tomorrow night x x

16-04-19, 06:34
Slept through finally from about 10:30 -6-30 whoop whoop two more like this and I can try cutting out again fx crossed .so glad as been stressful couple of days with range of emotions. Whiched I could stop thinking and fall a sleep but sometimes pain makes that harder x

21-04-19, 09:54
Decided to reduce sleeping tablets instead of just cut and I wasn’t sure at 1st did two day of 3 quarters and not best not worst got about 5 hours the night before last night cut down to half !! Despite struggling to fall a sleep and only getting 5 hours . Last night I only took the half and slept right through till 6 am !!!!!! Which is amazing it shows me I can do it and it ain’t necessarily the sleeping tablets . I’m at a point where I feel I no longer need the diazepam!! Which is also amazing and I’m now cutting down on the zopiclone and hopefully I can break the sleep anxiety circle . Feeling bit anxious in the day but I hoping I can tackle that chamomile does help x

25-04-19, 05:27
Cut down to a quarter of a 7.5 now and still managed to fall a sleep fairly well ! I’m getting the husband has moved back in to be bed I’m only awak at this time of night out of back pain which isn’t my normal kind of pain so have tens machine on to help and a chamomile and I will try to go back to bed shortly x

26-04-19, 11:31
Another quarter last nigh I seemed to have fallen a sleep no problem didn’t end up sleeping in my daughter bed while she slept in mine feeling good about sleep again hoping to have beat this little sleep . Breath anxiety doing my head in though but I feel like I’m really getting there with the anxiety 😂

01-05-19, 03:24
Two not so fantastic night sleeps just got remember some is better then none which I’m getting so and I have functioned on less I got this x

05-05-19, 12:48
Having an anxiety relapse and sleep 😒 I have to keep reminding myself that I need to except the sensation for what they are and let them pass I am ok and will get through this blip I have been here feeling dizzy spells etc and I’ve come out with no dizzy spells I’ve got this !!!

24-05-19, 16:26
Wanted to make a note in my little diary I had been taking zopiclone for a fair while was treading about getting addicted on Tuesday night decided I don’t want to be on this drug anymore stopped cold turkey managed to sleep 5-7 hours I’m calmer telling myself when any anxious thought or checking thought is just anxiety . Try not to make anxious predictions and to wait to see how things turn out . I’ve had 3 days off been waking a fair bit due my vulvodynia flair which is not surprising since I was bleeding for almost three week and having to wear pads and my husband is the snore king 😂 waking me up loads I did have head aches on the second night that no paracetamol was touching but 3 night 5-7 hear or there is fantastic I think x

30-05-19, 22:01
6 days still off whoop whoop for me I’m now at a point I struggle to fall a sleep but do eventually if I go back down stairs after my struggle . So tired today so I’m hoping today maybe the day I fally a sleep straight away 😂

Makes it 9 days natural sleep I do wake up in the night but in most manage to go back to sleep x

03-06-19, 13:34
I’m doing ok lots of broken sleep but I managed to fall a sleep fairly quickly last night whoop whoop x

11-06-19, 23:35
Going through rough time emotionally struggling to fall a sleep but have to remember how well I’ve done till now x

15-06-19, 03:26
Slight relapse in sleep problems I’m under the most stress I’ve ever been or I ever think I will ever be as I don’t get much worse then this . Plus husband is snoring so anxiety is increasing I’m worrying a lot and having lots of negative thought feeling like I’ve been doing ok considering what we are going through!!! So gone down stairs in attempt to try and claim back some sleep x but come here to reflect and try stay focused it will be ok x

15-06-19, 03:29
Almost a month with out sleepers

16-06-19, 22:05
Slept a bit better last night but lots of anxiety in the day on an Of and I take a dip about 5 pm mentally x

25-06-19, 07:58
Pretty much no sleep last night and I managed to get anxious about it but need to remember oh had month of sleep now not always perfect but in medicated so I can do it just can’t think why i struggled last night 😵

25-06-19, 08:01
Just counted I’ve managed 31 days Med free !!! Sleep I’m putting last night down to ambit of stress x

26-06-19, 12:28
Another night with little sleep I now know it me suddenly thinking need to sleep the boom o can’t sleep till about 3 .30 but manage to get some sleep I would say at least 4 hours which again is better then none I’m going not have any late night tv or phone again strip back and relax before bed x

02-07-19, 02:00
I had managed some good nights sleep till holiday bed was awful very hard for duration of holiday got about 4 hours each night and that has continued at. Home partly because my husband had a phone conversation about my step son whom has put us in a very very stressful situation so it made me think about what he had been accused of and the people involved . Hoping we will know more on Friday . My bed is causing aching and discomfort when husband is not I. It (water bed) and when husband is in it he snoring like no one business 😭 but I just have to be patient and my sleep will improve I just need to make sure I relax before bed again get my head prepared to be in sleep mode x

04-07-19, 22:35
After stress and anxiety round ultrasound n stress with step son my anxiety was cramping tues night had sleeping and last not and now tonight and hopefully will be fine on all night with sleeper I have slept no problem I have had no sleep on sleepers I he past so I think I’m getting there !!! Hopefully tomorrow will be fine 😂 . Today apparently I lookeded really tired but I obviously didn’t know it and was bursting into tears a lot which reminds me of my little girls when she is mega tired x

08-07-19, 00:54
Still struggling to fall a sleep my husband snoring is doing my head in as well at the moment . I’m frustrated then anything I know I can sleep just find the relaxing part to fall a sleep hard with my husband around with his crappy snoring 😭

10-07-19, 13:31
Well sleeping good on sleepers last tablet free night I did not sleep at all and last night was another tablet free night with a full tablets sleeps in between . I did take me till about 3:30/4am to fall a sleep but I’m taking that as abonus it means in managed about 3 n half to 4 hours a sleep been in a lot of pain certainly did not help but ibuprofen, paracetamol and Codiene did help though maybe if I had taken the ibuprofen earlier I may have slept better? My jaw was in agony. Woken up with shoulder ache which has gotten me a bit down today more pain to add into the mix . Well tonight I’m going to take my sleep at my usual time of 9:30 tonight . I’ve lay down while my little one was at nursery to help keep my energy up didn’t manage to sleep in the day but I think the rest done me good anyway x

15-08-19, 07:42
Been a while on sleeping tablets again last night was a tablet free night not the best nights sleep
But I wasnt up the whole night a believe I managed to sleep in part despite being uncomfortable and in pain . Also managed sex they other day been years since of done that because my vulvodynia small achievement which I’m pleased about x

19-08-19, 09:23
Tablet free night been using fit bit and it looks like I got a fair amount of sleep with out a tablet last night took me a bit of time falling a sleep but I was really anxious about my appointment on Tuesday

28-08-19, 01:15
Sorry- I didn't read all of this thread but I have your appointment on Tuesday went okay and if you ever need anyone to chat to I'm here x

28-10-20, 13:21
Had to go on zopiclone after a year of not been on because my chronic pain meant only got 2 hours sleep had to nights but just wanted to add an entry to see how I manage this time round and gives me something to look at again

29-10-20, 08:29
Well last night was a struggle to get to sleep with no tablet and eventually did about 3 am so will take another one tonight and hopefully won’t need any more . It’s not unusual for me not to be able to sleep till 3 am with out tablets .

30-10-20, 08:14
Still struggling to fall a sleep my husband snoring is doing my head in as well at the moment . I’m frustrated then anything I know I can sleep just find the relaxing part to fall a sleep hard with my husband around with his crappy snoring 

I find an elbow shot to the ribs helpful in making Hubs turn onto his side...:yesyes:

31-10-20, 08:43
🤣 unfortunately I had one night where because I couldn’t sleep he didn’t and one of us sleeping is better then non. I also suffer with chronic pain condition and having a really bad flair .

31-10-20, 08:59
So struggled to fall a sleep again till 3 am but managed to fall a sleep down stairs on sofa after doing a sleep hypnosis thing x I did have really bad pain flair yesterday so that didn’t help