View Full Version : Central blur in eye.....

11-02-19, 14:26
Hi everyone.

Woke up last week with vision blurred in right eye... went opticians and she said I had a scratch over the front of my eye and to see how it goes.

went back Saturday as vision still bad in that eye, she looked again and said that the scratch is a lot smaller but wanted me to go the eye hospital as my vision had decreased.

went to the a n e eye hospital. They (registrar and consultant)did examination
then dilated my eyes and had another good look, put a dye in my eye and couldn't see scratch?! said everything seemed fine.

Said to go back if straight lines appear wavy otherwise a follow on app will be sent out within a month.

My anxiety has gone into overdrive this last week, cant eat or focus.

My question is " would the eye hospital detected anything bad?" and can my anxiety levels be making my vision worse?

Thank you :scared15:

21-02-19, 20:19
Hi, yes I am sure the eye hospital would detect something bad. I've had a few visits over the years and it all turned out fine. I now have glaucoma but they picked it up straight away and I have drops which are working well, I have regular tests and my vision is fine. By the way anxiety can affect your vision. I read that years ago. I once had terrible blurred vision and it turned out to be dry eyes and they gave me some artificial teardrops, it cleared up. You have been examined by experts in problems with the eyes so try not to worry, having said that I know how difficult it is, I am terrible myself. You are not alone.

21-02-19, 22:47
I'm sure they would have seen something at the hospital. From what I understand the dye is how they detect any scratches or other issues in the eye. The dye catches in those imperfection. I know this because I used to have this super passionate eye doctor who would explain every detail of my regular appointments with me, haha. So, if you had a scratch the dye would definitely make it really obvious. Definitely follow up if the issue doesn't resolve, but it doesn't sound like anything very serious (in my totally non-medical opinion!)

22-02-19, 00:25
Yes, the doctors would have been able to see anything major. But keep this in mind - the cornea is a very sensitive part, and because of the nature of how the cornea receives oxygen, takes longer to heal than almost any other wound. So, even if the superficial scratch is healing, the tissue itself may not be done healing for weeks, and still be blurry in that time. Also note that during the healing other passing issues like eye dryness can occur (which can also blur vision).

Sadly, I know of eye damage all too well. I have something called floppy eyelid syndrome, due to my previously untreated sleep apnea. My eyelids could get stuck open at night and my eyes dry and scratched every night. They can and will heal, but don't always expect as fast process. I would recommend one thing.. a specific OTC eyedrop that can help - Rephresh Mega 3; it does an excellent job of repairing the lipid layer, and can help well with blurry vision (not at all affiliated with it, just had great luck with it).