View Full Version : I am back... worried about lymphoma this time.

11-02-19, 18:30
Hi everyone,

I have been doing SO much better with my health anxiety. I was worried about stomach cancer for 2 years (with multiple tests coming back clear), and I have been doing well coping.

I am pregnant with my second child and since becoming pregnant, my anxiety has increased again. I started sweating a bit in my sleep (light sweat, often after an intense dream) and I had some fleeting worries of lymphoma, but nothing too serious. I think was talking to someone at work and they told me their best friend has lymphoma and I should check my nodes etc, and that's when my anxiety increased. I thought I felt two huge nodes in my neck, went to my doctor and she did a full lymph node check, told me everything felt great and that I was feeling cartilage. For once in my life, I believe her and I have second guessed her about this at all. So then I became obsessed with taking my temperature. I have gone through this before. My temperature typically ranges between 36.7-37.2. As soon as it gets above 37, I lose my mind and convince myself it is a fever. When I looked online, it says a fever with lymphoma is over 38 degrees, but for some reason I cannot shake this stupid fear. I obviously need to stop taking my temperature!!

Any other suggestions?

11-02-19, 18:51
You're pregnant so your temperature is going to be naturally higher than it would be in a non-pregnant person! I think a normal temp for a pregnant woman is more like 37.8 C. So that's not a fever, it's just your normal body temp right now. I was pretty sweaty during pregnancy too, it's just so much work to support all that extra blood flow, the new weight, etc. ... so don't concern yourself over that. I also become obsessed with feeling nodes and bumps in my neck but doctors feel MANY lymph nodes before they even graduate medical school and she should know what she's feeling.