View Full Version : New meds on old meds off

04-09-07, 19:05
It has been a week since I went to the hospital to try to get off some of the meds I have been on, I'm in a new place with new regular doctors, there are no psych doctors in the area and I am scared they don't know as much about the meds as my old doctor. I was on seroquel, inderal, lexapro, xanax, etc. my new doctor says that is a whole lot to be on at one time, and I was a zombie but still having the attacks with depression & anxiety etc. They monitored me for 2 nights and took me off all this and put me on risperadal, depakote, and a smaller dose of xanax to help with the panic & anxiety, I am scared that these won't work as well, which is funny, the others werent working anyway, any help...................thanks