View Full Version : Convinced Doctor Felt Wrong Lump

10-02-19, 17:14
Hi all, I've struggled with anxiety all my life. I had an eating disorder for many years as a 20-something and then transitioned into severe hypochondria. My mom struggled with hypochondria when I was growing up and I don't know if seeing that affected me (she is now in her mid-60s and healthy). For a long time my hypochondria centered around the fact that we didn't have insurance and we hadn't had kids yet. Now, I have decent insurance and have two young sons, and that helped a lot. But recently my hypochondria has reared up again and it's impacting my daily life pretty badly.

I've often had the sensation of something stuck in my throat. I remember getting it as a kid and it pops up randomly sometimes. I do deal with tonsil stones and so usually assume it's something to do with that. I even asked a dentist about it a year or so again and he just said it was normal, can't remember his explanation but he didn't seem bothered at all.

I've had that stuck-in-throat feeling a little bit recently and it's made me worry. THEN I noticed a little pea-sized lump under my right armpit. It's small and easily moveable, but it does create a small bump that's visible from the outside. Of course between the lump-in-throat feeling and the underarm bump, I begin obsessing over lymphoma or something similar. I go poking around my neck and find some more lymph nodes that seem large and puffy on one side, though I can only feel them if I dig around -- they aren't obvious from a simple touch and my husband says he can't find them.

I had a doctor (actually an advance practice clinician) fit me in really quickly and he felt it and said it was a shotty lymph node that was too small to really ultrasound (not sure if this is true?). He does know I have a history of breast cancer in my family and so he's recommended I start mammograms at 35, which is in a few months, but he gave me a breast exam and didn't notice anything wrong. He felt my neck and didn't even comment on those. He also did a CBC which showed everything was normal but I know CBC doesn't usually catch cancer.

I remember that I had a bad shaving rash on my underarms a few weeks ago, right around when I noticed the bump, so maybe it's just that? I'm also a thin person and have always been able to feel some of my lymph nodes, like the ones in my groin. But between all of this -- underarm lump, stuck-in-throat feeling, possible neck lumps -- I'm convinced that something is wrong. My grandfather died of prostate cancer in his late 80s and my grandmother survived breast cancer in her early 70s.

I have a physical exam on Friday with the same doctor because I was overdue for a pap/physical. Should I press for more testing? Should I get a second opinion? I'm having a hard time shaking this anxiety. Some days I feel fine (shotty lymph nodes seem common and this one is tiny and easily moveable) but some days I'm so anxious that if I don't get an ultrasound or a biopsy, I'll be missing something that will be very dangerous down the road.

10-02-19, 17:57
I also have pretty severe health anxiety and mine actually started in high school when I first discovered some shorty lymph nodes. This caused me to be seen by many doctors for second opinions because I could never shake the feeling that SOMETHING was wrong. My dad is a physician as well and has helped me immensely with my anxiety. It’s completely normal to be anxious about lymph nodes but know they can be felt extremely easily. They don’t have to be swollen for you to feel them as you said you are a pretty thin person. When you are sick, lymph nodes swell as the body’s response for fighting an infection. The lymph node can harden and become shorty and never really go away.. I have had shotty lymph nodes on the back of my neck ever since high school! Messing with them can make the swelling worse and can actually make them become shotty. I know it can be scary but know that lymph nodes that are shotty are completely normal and do not mean something is wrong. A clear CBC is a great sign as well!you could get a second opinion if it makes your anxiety feel better but my anxiety over my lymph nodes is completely gone after some research and knowledge from doctors that they are very normal. Lymph nodes that grow rapidly and are hard and not movable can be a sign of sickness like infection. I hope your anxiety can be relieved soon

10-02-19, 19:05
I also have pretty severe health anxiety and mine actually started in high school when I first discovered some shorty lymph nodes. This caused me to be seen by many doctors for second opinions because I could never shake the feeling that SOMETHING was wrong. My dad is a physician as well and has helped me immensely with my anxiety. It’s completely normal to be anxious about lymph nodes but know they can be felt extremely easily. They don’t have to be swollen for you to feel them as you said you are a pretty thin person. When you are sick, lymph nodes swell as the body’s response for fighting an infection. The lymph node can harden and become shorty and never really go away.. I have had shotty lymph nodes on the back of my neck ever since high school! Messing with them can make the swelling worse and can actually make them become shotty. I know it can be scary but know that lymph nodes that are shotty are completely normal and do not mean something is wrong. A clear CBC is a great sign as well!you could get a second opinion if it makes your anxiety feel better but my anxiety over my lymph nodes is completely gone after some research and knowledge from doctors that they are very normal. Lymph nodes that grow rapidly and are hard and not movable can be a sign of sickness like infection. I hope your anxiety can be relieved soon

Thank you! Some things I've read had said that a small pea-sized lymph node isn't even necessarily swollen but the fact that I can see a little bump externally is what bothers me. When I first felt I just shrugged it off ... I've had little moveable bumps on my stomach and they always vanish, and this goes back years ... but once I noticed it in the mirror and googled, I got really panicky.

I'm glad you've been able to find reassurance about yours. It's definitely a stressful thing for an anxious person to find lymph nodes. I kind of wish mine were smaller ...

12-02-19, 15:21
I have a moveable pea-sized lump in my underarm and on Thursday, I had a doctor feel it and say it was a shotty lymph node, too small to show up on an ultrasound. He went from concerned to dismissive the moment he felt it. Even though I've been meaning to ask for clarity at my physical on Friday, I've been a little reassured. HOWEVER there's a tinier lump under the skin right above the other one (not connected). This one is really small, I'd say as small as a grain of sand or a super-tiny bead, and I have no idea what it is.

Now I'm convinced that the doctor felt this one instead. I was lying down and had trouble finding it for a second. Sometimes when I'm looking for the pea-sized lump at home, I accidentally feel the tiny one for a second, so what if I did the same thing here? What if he didn't even feel the larger lump, just the very tiny one? I think that could explain why he said it was "too small" to ultrasound, especially as it's a lump that's visible externally.

I know I'll have a chance to really point it out again soon but for now it's really destroying the small amount of calm I'd managed to find.

12-02-19, 16:23

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19-02-19, 00:10
Just to update this a bit, I had a doctor's visit recently and he didn't manually feel the bump again but he did order an ultrasound, which I'll have tomorrow. He still seems unconcerned about it and I saw on my online medical records that it was noted as "reassuring breast exam, lump likely not related to breast s" or something similar. The bump under my arm hasn't really changed in size for about 2-3 weeks now and I've driven myself crazy feeling for other lymph nodes (I've always been able to feel them in my groin/neck). Hopefully if the lump under my arm is normal I'll be able to move past this fear! Of course now my fear has moved to lymphoma as well. I'll update later.