View Full Version : Can anxiety cause arm and leg joints to ache (anybody experienced this?)

04-09-07, 19:26
Hello all,

Since Saturday, my arms and legs have been aching, especially the knee and elbow joints (cracking noises when moving at times). It feels like I have been working on a building site or something, using every muscle possible.

Obviously, my anxiety has started to creep in and negative thoughts are running through my mind of bone cancer or leukaemia.

I have had a lot of things on my mind of late (lost a friend to leukaemia, new job position and of course trying to cope with my current health anxiety issues).

My last blood test was March, which was normal. I had the blood test because I have this acid problem, which has also occurred a few times today. I have been trying to think positive about this but then my mind takes over and I think to myself that the blood test was 5 months ago and something could have happened since then. My family tonight have tried to help by stating positive things, like if it was anything serious, it would not have spread to all joints that quickly but then my positive thinking soon wears off and I then think what an incorrect statement to say to me.

I have managed to get an appointment with my doctor for the 20th September 2007, it is 15 days away but I had no choice as he is off this week and all on-line appointments are booked until then. He is the only doctor who tends to have time for me and he knows all about me as other doctors just send you packing.


04-09-07, 22:44
Hi Red,

I also have an acid reflux problem I think anxiety and reflux go hand in hand, as far as how you are feeling. I'm sure you are healthy like I know I am healthy it's just a pain that we are ruled by our brain. What ifs are sods. Because you can never answer a what if for sure.

I can't remeber how it felt to feel well and fit for a whole day. Red I don't know you but we sound like we have similar problems, and as I'm sitting here typing I believe that you are fine but only you can calm yourself down, I was always looking for reassurance from Luci and my parents it just gets you into a cycle of always wanting someone to tell you you're fine.

Although I wish I listened to my own advice!!

Speak soon


05-09-07, 22:16
HI Red

Hope you are feeling a bit better now. It is all down to anxiety and tension.

Take care

07-09-07, 08:06

It is still on my mind, thinking that it could be arthritis or C.

My lower back appears to be aching today and kneck and I can feel tingles in my hands and feet, which I guess anxiety it running through them.

My arms and legd feel weak and tired, joints do not feel as sore but crack from time to time, more often then they use to.

I'm hoping this is all anxiety and nothing serious.

I'm just can not understand how anxiety can make all joints ache and feel weak?


07-09-07, 14:17
Hi Red

Hope your feeling a bit better now.

I have the same problem accepting that anxiety can cause so many horrible symptoms. My mind is in overdrive - have I got this, could it be that etc etc.

It is just so hard to function on a daily basis. I must have at least a hundred morbid thoughts a day. It is sooooo draining. I cannot get rid of any symptom as I worry and worry about it.

Take care - and let me know how you are getting on.

09-09-07, 15:33
I'm seeing doctor Tuesday as I'm very worried.
I'm convinced that this is not anxiety and it is something serious.
Everytime I get up all joints make a cracking noise and legs/arms ache.
I also have been getting a lot of mouth ulcers and acid reflux to add to my symtoms.

So low and alone, not sure what to do.


09-09-07, 19:45
Hi Red

What are you like??? You shouldnt have been searching the internet. A lot of the symptoms of anxiety mimic other illnesses and then us anxiety sufferers convince ourselves that we dont have anxiety but some other disease. I know - as I do it all the time.

Try not to worry - I know easier said than done and let your doctor know all your worries on Tuesday when you see him.

Take care x

09-09-07, 21:13
Hi Red
Sadly anxiety can lead to loads of physical ailments. I do have a bit of arthritis (not life threatening, just wear and tear) but anxiety makes it so much worse. Don't know if you do it or aware of doing it but if you are anxious you tend to be tense, I wasn't aware of it till my husband pointed out the way I was holding myself. No wonder my legs ached.
The acid is much the same, as is the nausea, as is - I won't go on there are so many little mumps and moans I could be here all night.
However I do notice that when I am distracted and active all these symptoms maybe don't disappear but certainly lessen.
I'm sure you'll be fine, and it is good to get reassurance from a doctor. For the time being try to take some comfort in the fact that there are loads of people on here at this very minute probably experiencing the same symptoms.
Good luck x

10-09-07, 12:57

Thankyou soozpkwik, but this sounds like a daft question but how would I tell if I'm all tensed up inside?

I'm just getting worried about something being in my blood, that is why all joints are giving me grief.


11-09-07, 04:37
Hello all,

Since Saturday, my arms and legs have been aching, especially the knee and elbow joints (cracking noises when moving at times). It feels like I have been working on a building site or something, using every muscle possible.

Obviously, my anxiety has started to creep in and negative thoughts are running through my mind of bone cancer or leukaemia.

I have had a lot of things on my mind of late (lost a friend to leukaemia, new job position and of course trying to cope with my current health anxiety issues).

My last blood test was March, which was normal. I had the blood test because I have this acid problem, which has also occurred a few times today. I have been trying to think positive about this but then my mind takes over and I think to myself that the blood test was 5 months ago and something could have happened since then. My family tonight have tried to help by stating positive things, like if it was anything serious, it would not have spread to all joints that quickly but then my positive thinking soon wears off and I then think what an incorrect statement to say to me.

I have managed to get an appointment with my doctor for the 20th September 2007, it is 15 days away but I had no choice as he is off this week and all on-line appointments are booked until then. He is the only doctor who tends to have time for me and he knows all about me as other doctors just send you packing.



Its funny but I have experienced this all my almost 56 years .Stress makes it worse and paying attention to it even more.

I would say forget the doctor,money not well spent go to a movie and realize that pain is normal in humans,especially what you describe .

Sorry just my thoughts on this.

11-09-07, 08:29
Hi friend. I have aching and stiffness in the elbows, ankles and knees, mostly after a panic attack but it continues if I dont try and distract myself from it (which is very difficult) for most of the day. Hope this helps. hugs.

11-09-07, 17:03
Hi Red

How did it go at the doctors today???:hugs:

12-09-07, 07:47

The doctor checked all joints and arranged me to have a blood test this Thursday (as I requested one).


11-06-15, 14:44
did you get your results back and was it all clear