View Full Version : Hit front of head on Sunday. Worried about slow brain bleed.

13-02-19, 00:50
I was playing with my dog while on my knees and I accidentally bumped the front of my head on the carpet floor. (didn't brace myself I guess). I immediately jumped off to try to shake it off and go about my day while hoping nothing bad had happened. Since then, I've had pressure around head and some minor daze like feeling sometimes but not often.

For the most part of last night and throughout my work shift working outside in the heat, I didn't have any pressure like feeling in head or anything else for that matter. It seems to come on at random times I guess? I have it slightly now but it's not really too bothersome.

Should I be worried at all? I'd like to think this is something that will pass but I worry about a slow brain bleed where it can develop in a matter of weeks. The fact that a couple of days has passed bolds well for it not being any other kind of brain bleed though. (fingers crossed.)

13-02-19, 01:01
It’s extremely unlikely that a relatively minor head injury of the sort you’ve described would lead to a brain bleed. They’re usually the result of catastrophic head injuries, and when they do (rarely) arise from lesser injuries, there will be a contributing factor such as old age, excess alcohol consumption and/or blood thinning medication.

If your head feels slightly dazed and pressured, you probably have a minor concussion. Take it easy for a day or two - stay sitting down when you can, don’t overstrain your eyes - and you should be fine.

13-02-19, 01:10
that's what i'm telling myself but I don't know when I should expect to get better or if things will progress to worsen. I don't expect things to get worse so I'm hoping I recover soon. It was a solid hit to the ground but i don't think i hit it super super hard.

I've hit my head over a year ago to where things around my were spinning and everything and I actually had my head scanned to find nothing. Took like several weeks to feel like things were okay. Hoping this is a similar thing.

13-02-19, 01:19
I once accidentally bashed my head against a marble fire surround, about a decade ago (it’s a long story). I felt disoriented, dizzy and headache-y for a few days afterwards, but it passed. I was fine. You will be fine too!

17-02-19, 03:02
That sounds rough from your hit you mentioned. It's been nearly a week since my hit to the head and while I'm optimistic now that i've gone a few days with no pain (just a headache from long work day today and haven't eaten in a while.)

I am still worried about slow brain bleeds because what I've read about it is symptoms can appear weeks after the hit to the head. So i'm not sure how to be optimistic that I'm exempt from having to worry about that. Other than the fact that it's usually older folks that deal with this since brain shrinks.

17-02-19, 03:49
I got hit by a car in the head, and I didn't get a brain bleed.

17-02-19, 04:44
I got hit on the back of the head by a full-size glider, and escaped without a concussion.

You're probably going to be okay ;)