View Full Version : dizziness when sat down... maybe ears?

04-09-07, 19:42
the past 2 nights i have been getting dizzy and lightheaded in bed or when sat down. i read until i feel sleepy, then just as i'm drifting off i get dizzy and get rushes in my head and have to get up and walk about to make it go away. i also sometimes get dizzy just sitting watching telly. it doesn't really happen when i'm walking around which makes me think perhaps it's anxiety causing it all. on the other hand i had bad sinuses a few weeks ago and have had a full feeling in my ears so wondered if it could be that.

am going to the doctors tomorrow but could do with some reassurance tonight so maybe i don't turn into an anxious mess when i'm trying to sleep.

thank you :)

sally xxx

05-09-07, 13:30
hi sally
i used to get exactly the same thing when my anxiety was as at its peak i know its really difficult but just try to relax and unwind properly before going to bed.
i know how scary it is but honestly its just your body trying to relax itself
take care hope this helps
rachx x x

05-09-07, 14:12
Yeah i agree with ceecee, it is a common symptom of stress and anxiety. Also tiredness can contribute towards this which is probably why you're getting it more at night and in bed.
Try not to worry, it wont be anything serious. However its still worth going to the doctor to see what they say about it.

05-09-07, 17:16
sally, I have had some terrible vertigo and dizzy spells over the past 5 years and got told by EVERYONE that it was anxiety causing it.
However after my check up at the audiology department on my ears this week I have been told I have a vestibular disorder of the inner ear !

now I am so annoyed because I have seen 20 + doctors who have all said the same thing over them 5 years :lac: .

Honestly go with your gut instinct, if you feel there is a 1 % chance that it could be your ears then go to the audiology department at your local hospital.

Now Im awaiting more tests , , Im so gutted Ive been left this long, its early days for you so ask for audiology.

take care:flowers: