View Full Version : Throat/Mouth Cancer Fear

13-02-19, 18:32
Hi Everyone,

I am a new poster but have been using the forum for reassurance for some time. Today I am making my first post because my HA is going crazy to the point where I’m struggling to function.

Around 4 weeks ago I noticed what looked like a large ulcer on the back of my throat, I expected to get a sore throat or some kind of infection after this but nothing transpired. The ulcer thing remains - it looks slightly less angry in terms of redness but it doesn’t hurt it’s rather skin coloured and looks a little like a burn blister, I can swallow fine and I’ve had no symptoms. It bleeds easily if I touch it (yes I’ve been prodding around!) I’ve never had an ulcer before or any kind of mouth sore.

I should say that I have been very run down and stressed lately, I don’t know is this could be a causing factor, I have been unable to sleep because of the fear of mouth cancer, I went to the Dr’s and got given an appointment with a nurse practitioner who didn’t know what it was but gave me a Difflam throat spray - this was around 10 days ago and it hasn’t changed.

I’m a 32 year old female non smoker non drinker, I know not a typical throat cancer target but I can’t stop worrying. Has anyone else experienced anything like this before?

I do intend to make another doctors appointment now that I had used the spray for the recommended duration with no change.

Any advice/reassurance would be so appreciated.


13-02-19, 18:35
Were you tested for HPV? I know that sometimes can cause throat ulcers?

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13-02-19, 18:40
Look up cobblestones in throat. Does it look like that?

13-02-19, 22:26
I don’t think I’ve ever been tested for HPV? Is it likely I could have it if I’ve never had a coldsore or an ulcer? I’m not very educated on this subject. Also, I have a 1 year old, would I have been screened for HPV in pregnancy?

I’ve looked up cobblestone throat and mine doesn’t appear like the images I have seen, mine is one rather large looking ulcer which is more flesh coloured in the centre with a slight yellow tinge, this is why it to me resembles a blister from a burn.

I can’t find any images exactly like mine and Google just keeps leading me back to throat cancer which is making me massively anxious.

14-02-19, 01:58
Yes you probably would have been screened through a Pap smear. Is there a chance it’s an infected tonsil stone? Have you ever had those? Or maybe just strep throat? Which actually can be symptomless. Not very common but possible.

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