View Full Version : Life on-going daily up and downs

08-07-18, 01:15
So, a few months ago I noticed this like lump on my left arm. It's more visible the more I bend my hand backwards. It's squishy when I press down on it but it isn't movable? Like I wouldn't call it hard but I'm never sure what to worry about and what not to. I kinda went through phases of forgetting about it and seeing it again and worrying. Like I can't remeneber it's size the first time I saw it. Like I can always see it but it's more clear when I bend my wrist certain ways.

In the last week or so, I've been getting along this arm. Around that area. So, of course my mind is starting to worry a bit around it.

So, of course my mind is going into over-drive around it. :unsure:

08-07-18, 01:16
Could you post a picture of it? It may help people in telling you what it might be.

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08-07-18, 01:23
Could you post a picture of it? It may help people in telling you what it might be.

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Thanks for the reply, I'm unable to upload any photo's! Sorry

08-07-18, 01:24
This sounds like a ganglion cyst. They are very common. They fill with fluid and can get quite large, but they will usually rupture on there own and the cycle continues. I had one before and when they get large, they can put pressure on nerves and cause some pain. I got rid of mine but I’m not going to say how, bc it wasn’t a safe way to do it. But they are totally benign and very very common.

08-07-18, 09:05
This sounds like a ganglion cyst. They are very common. They fill with fluid and can get quite large, but they will usually rupture on there own and the cycle continues. I had one before and when they get large, they can put pressure on nerves and cause some pain. I got rid of mine but I’m not going to say how, bc it wasn’t a safe way to do it. But they are totally benign and very very common.

Thank you so much for this. Reading this had put my mind to easy a bit! Like when I woke up this morning of course I look at it right away and poking at it! It looks bigger and feels different but it's always hard to know with my mind what's true and what's not! Like of course my mind went to all the sinster choices and something awful. Since the panic is moving up my arm worrying about it spreading.

Thank you once again for this :)

08-07-18, 19:31
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


11-07-18, 16:36
Yeah sounds like a ganglion cyst I have one on my wrist and I got it syringed it’s super gross it’s like a jelly substance that comes out!! But it just ended up coming back again so I haven’t bothered getting it syringed because it’s not causing me pain. I only syringed it initially because it was causing a bit of pain.

30-12-18, 21:34
Hi all! So I've been okay for a good while now. Today was the first day in a while that thing have gotten to me. As the last few nights I've gotten strange feelings before falling asleep. My heart beat seems to be off, going fast to slow. I also get these dizzy moments or I get this strange like I'm not sure how to describe it. Like a fuzzy feel in my chest, my breathing also feels strange and short but that might be panic?

I had some heart Bloods done awhile ago, chest xray, the doctor listen to my heart lots of times and said all is fine. As well as my blood pressue. I haven't turned to Google as we all knows what that will say. Like I'm 22, in good enough health so I'm trying to keep that in mind!

Sorry for posting, I just don't want to go crying to any family or friends right now! I just want to be calm and stuff.

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and if not I hope you have a better tommrrow x

31-12-18, 16:29
If you're having good days, that's great news and it means what you're doing is working.

This means that accepting the symptoms is the way to go. Recovery is never linear. It's always up and down. You can use this flare-up (albeit difficult) as a chance to cement your new mindset in allowing it all to be there and getting on with life.

It's very normal, what you're describing.

01-01-19, 21:12
I feel for you, i really do. I go through it everyday, i rarely have a "good" period mate.. I rarely talk to anyone because half the time im made to feel crazy! Vent here because we understand and you will always find support.. I have tried to accept death.as part of it all.. It does make ya feel better a little because your kinda saying "bring it on" but i suppose death is what we all actually fear and thats the root of it. Death smiles at all of us, all we can do is smile right back.. Ive heard that somewhere :) chin up kidda and soldier on! :)

02-01-19, 01:53
@CaliGuy and Mocky44

Thank you both so much for replying! I'm trying to do my best to on a more positive and uplifting path. Something it can be hard with bad news everywhere. I had another few bad months tonight. Hadn't been feeling very well in other ways but doing my best to keep going on a good path!

I hope you both have a amazing new year x.

03-01-19, 00:57
For some reason I've had a really bad moments just come on. Breathing feels strange, chest feels fuzzy. Got a pain in my left arm and in my back. Sorry for ranting here, it's come on so suddenly and it's scared me rather badly and I'm feeling very alone.

---------- Post added at 00:57 ---------- Previous post was at 00:44 ----------

Like I'm so upset with myself, I can fele myself worry about things again. My eyes have felt strange, light has upset me. headaches etc. I'm really upset.

05-01-19, 02:53
So, since last week I've been been getting this like strange pain/sore to touch/pressure feeling between my eyebrows and in both of my temples (as well as few other areas). It's also effected my eye's. Which also seem to get really strange/sore to the light alot.

This all stared after a I got a brief but sharp pain in the right side of my head by the temple. So, this is all rather distressing to me. As as other issues such a very tense shoulders and neck pain.

I had a eye test a few months back, they said everything was fine and sent me on my way. I was fine during that.

Sorry to rant here again, it's just alot. Due to issues in life, I'm not able to see anyone for this issues until the end of the month (by which I mean my therapist again.) I've stayed away from google because we all knows what they would say! Nothing good, ever!

05-01-19, 03:16
I would guess it's all related to the shoulder/neck pain - just muscle and/or nerve tension. I've been getting migraines, eye pain, ear pain, and jaw pain for years now and FINALLY discovered it was all from TMJ - just all related to my jaw alignment. It's crazy how much one tiny strained muscle or irritated nerve can do.

05-01-19, 03:32
Yup, it's all connected as they say. If your eyes are actually sore or strained that can certainly be a cause headache or soreness around the head too, and even neck pain.

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06-01-19, 18:06
@ErinKc and @jay23 thank you both so much for your replys! Your reasoning is a lot more closer to the truth then anything my mind in over drive could have thought about! I'm getting rather stuffy and some other issues so this could be the start of a head cold also! Ah sure it is the season!

08-01-19, 01:28
So, I tried taking some cold tablets. Helped with my stuffed nose feeling...so feeling better in some ways. Still have the temple fullness and all that other stuff! Like touching certain area and feeling pain. Etc etc

It's distressing but I'm trying to be more proactive around this. Keeping you with fitness goals, actually have a skin scream thing happening to look after myself.

08-01-19, 06:08
Sorry for updating this again... I just had a super rough night and couldn't sleep. My nose just suddenly got clogged strangely so I can in but not out and I try to clear it. It wouldn't work but suddenly all it got clear and sorry for rambling I know this stupid. I just over working my mind now.

08-01-19, 07:52
Hard to tell, obviously, but it sounds to me as though your sinuses might be acting up?

08-01-19, 22:44
@Blueiris Thank you for replying, it might be something like that and I'm being over dramaict. I guess the lack of sleep got to me as I had to get up to go to work after that lol.

Like I was fine most of the day? Now in the evening gone on, my nose gotta all clogged up again. It's rather difficult to breath through my nose. My head also getting all clogged...sorry for moaning so much! It's just hard with all of this! It seems like it might be gone and it's back again! Ugh.

09-01-19, 03:17
Sorry for updating this again! I had a strange taste in my mouth, so I went to wash it out- there was blood on the inside of my cheek (I'm guessing I bite it at some stage!) I washed it out with water and salt...then I noitced something I was looking at the bleeding...a little jagged tooth at the back...I might be getting a wisdom tooth! I might not feel very wise but it could explain alot I think!

09-01-19, 09:27
Sorry for updating this again! I had a strange taste in my mouth, so I went to wash it out- there was blood on the inside of my cheek (I'm guessing I bite it at some stage!) I washed it out with water and salt...then I noitced something I was looking at the bleeding...a little jagged tooth at the back...I might be getting a wisdom tooth! I might not feel very wise but it could explain alot I think!

I only have one wisdom tooth that’s come through, so I may not be all that wise either ;) but I certainly had a whole host of sinus and ear issues when it was coming through, I actually fear any of the others deciding to make an appearance!

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09-01-19, 14:29
Hi! What you are describing almost goes perfectly with TMJ or Bruxism. Many people with anxiety, myself included, clench their jaws at night. If you research both conditions they cause a wide variety of issues- headaches, chewing the inside of your cheeks, neck and shoulder pain, and surprisingly the list can go on. I actually had to get a mouth guard or take something to help relax me in the evenings to prevent the amount of pain I was in while I slept. It can be difficult concluding that the symptoms could be something easily explained instead of something super serious but i began noticing that the symptoms arose or were worse when I had heightened anxiety. Good luck! :)

10-01-19, 00:33
DarkSkies18 and Midnight-mouse

Thank you both so much for replying!

Mouse- Well, I'm sure we're both rather wise in our own ways! No extra teeth needed! Sorry you had to face that!

Darkskies- Thank you for all that info! I hope you get some refile with the mouth grad! It's something I'll look into getting!

Like I find it's not so bad during the day? Moments it on and off but might time seems to be the real issue!

10-01-19, 03:12
Mouse- Well, I'm sure we're both rather wise in our own ways! No extra teeth needed!

Like I find it's not so bad during the day? Moments it on and off but might time seems to be the real issue!

I plan to fake it until I make it in the wisdom department ;) my issues were worse at night too, I think just like sinus issues and the like the pressure changes with different positions, led or reclining seems to make them worse - just like when you lie down at night when you have a cold. It felt fairly similar in the terms of inflammation so it makes sense.

Positive vibes,


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10-01-19, 23:32
I plan to fake it until I make it in the wisdom department ;) my issues were worse at night too, I think just like sinus issues and the like the pressure changes with different positions, led or reclining seems to make them worse - just like when you lie down at night when you have a cold. It felt fairly similar in the terms of inflammation so it makes sense.

Positive vibes,


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Thank you a million times over for replying once again :hugs::hugs:, I actually woke up today filled with the most horrible head cold....one part of my nose is flowing and the other is blocked up! Just want I needed! Ah well we push on!

13-01-19, 02:35
So, I know this going to sound silly but I'm freaking out right now. My co worker always puts on these like strange horror, murder, ghost etc etc podcasts on in the background at work. I don't care about that stuff and normally it does bother me but tonight it's really freaking me out. Every noise is putting me on edge and thinking something horror is going to happen.

I've tried putting a old fav on Netflix to calm me (Gilmore girls) but everything is freaking me out. Every sound, I keep having to look around around to because I think I;m going to see something freaky. Like there was this strange noise a moment ago and I;m over the edge.

Sorry this is stuipd, I#m just alone with no one to talk to. I don;t know why this is freaking me out so much. My chest hurts from the fear and all. I'm so sorry, can someone please help.

13-01-19, 03:28
I know what you are talking about. I try to stay away from those kinds of podcasts, movies, TV shows, etc, because they make me too jumpy. Even reading about harmless mysteries (like the Toynbee tiles) can give me that creepy feeling if it is late at night. Which is annoying because I like fun mysteries.

Watching something fun on Netflix is a good idea, but I've found that this is one of those things that sort of has to "wear off" so be patient.

13-01-19, 03:54
I know what you are talking about. I try to stay away from those kinds of podcasts, movies, TV shows, etc, because they make me too jumpy. Even reading about harmless mysteries (like the Toynbee tiles) can give me that creepy feeling if it is late at night. Which is annoying because I like fun mysteries.

Watching something fun on Netflix is a good idea, but I've found that this is one of those things that sort of has to "wear off" so be patient.

Thank you for reply! I know it's kinda silly but once I get worked up it's hard to get passed it!

13-01-19, 04:44
I'm just like you. My husband use to travel a lot before and when I was home alone at night I use to freak out. I always had tv on while I slept bc every noise meant it was someone there to kill me. Even now...I feel like someone is in house if I hear something.

Anyways it's completely normal. What helped me was closing my bedroom door and have something on while you sleep

17-01-19, 09:11
So basically I've been having alot of issues with sleeping. In the last week I've had two episodes of nights without any sleep. Having to get up and go to work. I only work part time and I'm currently in college and as student so I'm off. Then on days when I don't have to be up early for work I don't sleep until like 7 am and don't get up until 1-2 pm ish.

Sorry in after another night without sleep and my Co worker who drives me to work lecture me on all the issues not sleeping does, such as heart issues and my heart been very funky especially when I'm trying to sleep.
Like when I'm having all these symptoms like heart stuff I find it harder to sleep when I know in reality at my age and tests I've had the chances are that are rather low yet... Anixety loves to talk up!! Especially when this tried.

Sorry this a rant and half I know. Just tried and feeling desperate. I know, realistky it will go back to normal enough when I go to college again but that's for another month and sorry the anixety is going a real flare up. Like being tried from no sleep just makes me feel like I'm being a extra shitty person to everyone also. Like I know I don't have some horrible lake of sleep issue, just in edge!

Thank you to anyone who read x

17-01-19, 15:59
You need to get your sleep into some sort of pattern again. On your days off, you fall asleep at 7am and sleep through to 2pm. Then when bedtime comes you are not tired and can't sleep.
I would say get up at a regular time every day even if you've had no sleep and don't go to bed until you literally can't keep your eyes open at night. Don't get on your phone, leave it in another room.
I have bouts of insomnia, it's really crap and when you have them, you think they are never going to end but they do.

20-01-19, 01:30
So for once....I'm ill and my mind isn't over-run with horrible ideas! I know big shock! :blush: This just more of a complaining post

So we went out for my Mam birthday yesterday, brought her to a nice restaurant. The food's good a few hours later...my stomach starts to feel off...then the longest night ever starts!....The toilet became my best friend :winks:

So I'm gonna be a little tmi, I get the runes very badly. The worst I've ever had them! My stomach is taking it chance to get back at me after eating food probably to good for a student! It being rather loud, giving me cramps to remember. I'm up until about 5 am until finally....it seemed like the storm was over.

Woke up today feeling good! Then about a hour later....it returns. It's been a hellish day, the pains come and go but when they are there. They let me KNOW...like don't worry...I remeneber you....So it goes on all day!

I went to the pharmacy, get some tablet and go home. Hope it all clear away....yet it's still there! I even feel a bit sicker then before. I (the one thing I'm worried about) read the back and it said contact your doctor after 24 hours if it's still going on. That made me feel even more green. (I tried to not dwell on that tho!)

Like I don't really wanna go to the doctor about this? Shocking I know! I;m going away on Wednesday for two weeks for a college case study trip and I have a 10 hour shift tomorrow. It's just frustrating that this always seem to happen! I was just hoping it would clear off!

I am proud of myself of not over-thinking this, just letting it be what it is (Like I do have IBS so I tend to able...not to go!) and I've been checked over a lot in that area before. So it anti nothing bad! Just something I wanted to vent about! In good news I used my time off today to watch Netflix which isn;t something I do alot!

Sorry for complaining so much! I just wanted to get it out there x Rant a bit!

20-01-19, 03:09
That sucks, but well done keeping calm!

I had like 36 hours of this several months ago and it was just horrible. The best thing you can do is just try to stay hydrated and only eat very, very small amounts of bland food until you feel well again. Sometimes a probiotic can help kick things back into gear faster!

Feel better soon!

20-01-19, 20:07
@ErinKC thank you for the reply! It's just awful isn't it! I actually got sent home from work this morning because I um... Had a rather bad epsoide! I came home and tried to sleep it off abit. Felt okayish for awhile, ate something plain and the last two hours my friendship with the bathroom and started all over again. So feeling very green!

Jusy hoping this clears up by Wednesday as I'm meant to be flying and I don't think I can call the toilet as my own for the whole flight!

21-01-19, 21:01
Just updating this, so things seem to finally going semi-okay? The stool isn't really where I'd want it to be but at least I'm not rushing as often! I'm still having some funky stomach times and that can be upsetting but I've gotten some ibs tablets in the hopes of helping! I haven't been hungry at all...which is a new thing for me!

21-01-19, 21:18
It could be a few more days yet (or even longer) before your bowel movements return to normal. It really does vary from person to person. If you're finding you're still not good before your flight, there's no reason you shouldn't take imodium.

Good luck

22-01-19, 00:51
It could be a few more days yet (or even longer) before your bowel movements return to normal. It really does vary from person to person. If you're finding you're still not good before your flight, there's no reason you shouldn't take imodium.

Good luck

Thank you for the reply! I actually tried taking imodium before and it didn't actually really work for me! Not sure why :huh: but here's hoping that it all clears away soon enough! But thank you so much for the reply and info x

---------- Post added at 23:47 ---------- Previous post was at 22:51 ----------

Okay from being calm now I'm freaking out... I was in the shower. Doing the typical shower wash... When I swiped over part of my lower left stomach thay I can't remember always looked lumpy or not. Bascislly feel like I felt something there. Now with my toilet issues this is scwrying me alot.

I'm going to try and be reasonable use my therapy methods. Remind myself that I had a ct scan last March and a ultrasound which I know are forver ago at this stage but they found nothing then. Why should it be something now

---------- Post added 22-01-19 at 00:51 ---------- Previous post was 21-01-19 at 23:47 ----------

Gonna update this again after my freak out lol.

So I did my therapy methods, I reminded myself of the good test results. Realistically it's nothing, just another bump in the road. Just because I fear something or something rare isn't going to just happen to me because I fear it. Repeated those thoughts and some deep breaths.

25-01-19, 00:30
Okay so I just wanted to update this with the good and the bad. So the toilet and stomach issues seem okay!! Thankful!!

Now while I'm away... There's a new issue. My heart!! The thing all day feels super slow, like it's going to. Stop at any moment. When I tried to take my pulse earlier it was hard to find, felt weak and jumpy. There's always some pain in my left arm in the upper by the shoulder area only. When I try to sleep my heart feels like it leaps and jerks to a stop. I'm so overwhelmed and a lone right now. Someone please. I know it's one issue to another but I'm lost and alone right now. Like I'm just after starting my period so I'm wondering if it's hormonal but I've gotten this feeling before and my panic mind is worried about dropping and having no one to help or something.

So, please. I don't want to start another thread but I don't know how to change this tile. Someone please.

---------- Post added at 00:57 ---------- Previous post was at 00:53 ----------

Sorry I tried a way of changing it... Sorry to the team here if that's against the rules!!!

---------- Post added at 01:07 ---------- Previous post was at 00:57 ----------

Just want to add, had a egc on my heart and some blood tests last year? Would that matter for now? Sorry to spam but I'm really upset right now

---------- Post added at 01:30 ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 ----------

Someone please

25-01-19, 02:20
You’re ok, you’re just panicking. You had good tests results & there’s nothing wrong except anxiety x

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26-01-19, 16:02
You’re ok, you’re just panicking. You had good tests results & there’s nothing wrong except anxiety x

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Thank you so much Scass x I know I was probably over reacting like always! Since I felt fine must of yesterday and it was only nighttime it seemed to set in again! The stress of it seemed to make my ibs or whatever was wrong with me act up again today :blush:

On top of that there now issues with my period and other things to do with that- so just shows where you're off the wagon you've gotta get back on it as quickly as possible before these thoughts over take you!

31-01-19, 18:35
Hi all,

Just want to update this. I was doing okay for a little bit. I was getting this thing the last few mornings that are unsettled but I tried to shake it off whenever I woke up it seemed kinda hard to breath and my heart rhythm seemed kinda strange but I'm trying to push along even tho it's distressing.

I also just got a bad case of exhaustion, very loss almost diehera stool as well as a funky stomach even tho I've been doing my best to eat things that won't upset my stomach :( I had a really bad case of diehera about a week ago that lasted for about five days... I went today and it seemed okay then it all suddenly came on?

---------- Post added at 19:35 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------

Someone please... It's gone full uh fully bad. I have some ibs tablets with me. I'm feeling rather unwell now. I'm meant to be flying home Saterday morning :( I don't k kW what suddenly happened? This with the stuff happening in the morning... To say I'm overwhelmed would be a understatement

31-01-19, 20:05
You maybe have a virus or bug? Try not to worry too much. Keep drinking fluids like water x

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31-01-19, 20:10
Hi Sarah,

I am relatively new here but not new to HA. The symptoms sound miserable for you.....
You describe the symptoms but I wondered what interpretations you were making about them that has you so scared?

I hope it passes soon for you.

31-01-19, 20:29
You maybe have a virus or bug? Try not to worry too much. Keep drinking fluids like water x

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Thank you again for the reply Scass x I was doing okay when I knew that I had ate something that didn't agree with me and caused it yet its come out of the blue for no reason that's really distressing me! I'll make sure to keep my water glass full

---------- Post added at 21:29 ---------- Previous post was at 21:26 ----------

Hi Sarah,

I am relatively new here but not new to HA. The symptoms sound miserable for you.....
You describe the symptoms but I wondered what interpretations you were making about them that has you so scared?

I hope it passes soon for you.

Hi Beckett!

Sorry you're facing this whole ha stuff!

Like it's more so one of my biggest fears is being ill while away from home and unsure of how to get help x (as I'm in another country right now). Sometimes I like to vent here my worries as my family and friends don't love to always hear it and I can't blame them for that! Lol

Also like the whole like with the heart thing and feeling weak it's like is my body suddenly going to give up on me or something lol. Sounds very dramaict I know!! Especially with all the testing I've had done but it keeps telling me that was nearly a year ago and the mind can play funny tricks x

I'm only 22 and used to be very carefree it's hard being like this alot! I just want to enjoy things more. I'm going to have another therapy session when I get home x to try and help me work on coping and not over think this all.

31-01-19, 20:45
I know exactly what you mean.....I hate travelling for that very reason. It does all sound like anxiety though. I don't know if you listen to audiobooks but I find them great if the anxiety isn't too bad. Try and keep hydrated and all will be fine. It sounds like you are aware of the noxious HA cycle, so thats a great help. Just keep posting, you aren't alone.

02-02-19, 19:01
I know exactly what you mean.....I hate travelling for that very reason. It does all sound like anxiety though. I don't know if you listen to audiobooks but I find them great if the anxiety isn't too bad. Try and keep hydrated and all will be fine. It sounds like you are aware of the noxious HA cycle, so thats a great help. Just keep posting, you aren't alone.

Thank you for replying again x I manged to get home in one peace! Thankfully, there was alot of lock-downs at the airport and nearly missed the flight :unsure:. I'm after passing a few movements that seem all good again! Thankfully. Must have been something funky. I've had some of the stomach pain return a few hours ago, hope it's just the nervous from flying and the rushing! I hope I can pick myself up from this episode and go on right again x

I'm really going to try and move forward. I can't worry about my stomach forever. I get a CT scan last year, stool samples etc. It would have been found. The heart one...kinda be hard to deal with but I'm gonna try my best

02-02-19, 21:27
Glad you got home safe Sarah. Its always scary feeling ill away from home. I hope it all settles down soon.

03-02-19, 02:01
Glad you got home safe Sarah. Its always scary feeling ill away from home. I hope it all settles down soon.

Thank you so much Beckett x for replying to me so many times. I know I can seem rather dramaict! Like right now I currently can't get the cold out of my bones and I've moved to the living room to try and get some and some sleep as I've got work tommrrow!

My heart is really acting up, I feel reallt off and like forget full. Struggling at times to space. I'm going to be wrecked but in not going too. I'm so disconnected right now and feel strange someone help.

03-02-19, 13:54
How are you doing Sarah? Did you get some sleep?

04-02-19, 02:49
How are you doing Sarah? Did you get some sleep?

You're honestly so kind :hugs: I actually manged some sleep and I was having a okayish day but now it's all day when u tried to sleep three hours ago snc hasn't left up sadly!! But I made it through last night so hopefully I can do it again x! "

Hope you're doing slright lovely x

07-02-19, 00:19
Hi! I thought I would add onto this thread instead of starting a new one because it's kinda the same issue?

So on the hand arm as the lump on my wrist (which my doctor look at ages ago- you were all right about what it was! Just left it off as she said there was no point in removing it as it comes back alot!)

So on the back of my hand (where the knuckles are) in like the centre of the hand, like the area where you can see moving when you move your fingers (under the knuckles) sorry for saying this so strange- not sure how to describe the area.

Well there's a mass like thing that kinda bumps out from the skin, you can feel it clearly. It's not on the other side. I've had it for a few months, I also get pains alot in that hand and along that air. It's hard and I've tried telling myself it's just extra bone or something but my mind loves go wild with all the other comes it might be :(!

07-02-19, 00:29
Also sounds like a ganglion which is a cyst. I had one on my left wrist 6 years ago, so I had an ultrasound on it and that's exactly what it was. It's now disappeared :)

07-02-19, 01:13
Also sounds like a ganglion which is a cyst. I had one on my left wrist 6 years ago, so I had an ultrasound on it and that's exactly what it was. It's now disappeared :)

Thanl you so much for the reply! I'm glad it turned out to be nothing for you!! I'm hoping it's a cyst on the back of my hand like the one of my wrist! Since my doctor didn't think there was any point in removing that one! I'm wondering if my mind is looking for something to worry about lol!

07-02-19, 02:11
+1 to a ganglion cyst. And yes, the mind is ALWAYS looking. Good for you to realize this.

07-02-19, 14:33
I have one of these they’re harmless it’s a ganglion.

07-02-19, 21:10
I agree with everyone else. I had one on my wrist for many years when I was younger. Then one day I accidentally dropped my AP Biology book on it and it must have burst!:roflmao: It never came back.

08-02-19, 02:29
So, my heart been giving me some worries alot again. Beating very hard that I can feel it, beating super fast or slow. The list goes on. Just woke up from sleep there about 15 mintues ago and my heart was pounding. Like it was just out. I keep worrying, can anyone offer some help it's making sleep impossible.

I kept checking for my pulse, scared of its all. Sorry if this is always strange just very scared on bed right now. I've had some heart last. Like I've been feeling off the last few days but this is the worst. Like I can't describe it. My body feels strange and my heart I don't want it to give out on me :(

08-02-19, 02:35
Sarah, don’t check your pulse. Don’t google. I know you are right now! Be calm. Download headspace and meditate for a few minutes. Listen to some classical music and just breathe deep into your stomach. This too shall pass.

It sounds like anxiety to me, your heart thumps, but when we are hypersensitive to it, it feels scary. I get it.

I had a lot of pvc’s and have mostly resolved those, but now I fixate on heart disease. The issue is not our hearts, it’s our heads. Turn off your brain, meditate and go to your happy place. :)

You are ok. You are well.

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08-02-19, 02:49
Sarah, don’t check your pulse. Don’t google. I know you are right now! Be calm. Download headspace and meditate for a few minutes. Listen to some classical music and just breathe deep into your stomach. This too shall pass.

It sounds like anxiety to me, your heart thumps, but when we are hypersensitive to it, it feels scary. I get it.

I had a lot of pvc’s and have mostly resolved those, but now I fixate on heart disease. The issue is not our hearts, it’s our heads. Turn off your brain, meditate and go to your happy place. :)

You are ok. You are well.

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OH wow! Thank you so much for the reply and all of this info!! It's so lovely and wonderful of you :bighug1:.

I'm sorry for being so dramaict but I'm currently laying in bed trying to calm down without panicing about dying again! All in the life of a 23 year old lol.

I'm defo going to try more of that deep breathing like you said! Thank you again and again

09-02-19, 00:42
Well I did make it through last night...I'm worried about sleep becoming issues around sleep again. Like I've been off sleep again tonight over that feeling.

09-02-19, 05:17
Tried taking it easy.... Tried a lot of different things yet still laying here awake with a jumpy heart hit :(

09-02-19, 05:27
Put the radio on quietly, or find an Ebook to read. Your heart will do what it will, but paying it too much attention will likely only make it worse.

Accept that you're awake, and find something fun to do.

09-02-19, 14:01
Sarah as previosly advised please add onto this thread rather than starting new ones

14-02-19, 03:34
So, I was right through the rigger for stomach and all that stuff last year with tests. Stool sample, ultrasound, ct scan, bloods etc etc. Ibs and acid reflux (also a infection that was treated and a few other unimportation things were found.) Besides all my other worries, I've done good enough dealing with these.

In the last few weeks, I've had some real doggy moments....A few days back I vomited after what was a okay day of eating? Nothing greasy or bad. My stomach had lots of pain, bloating- more then often my acid is back. I'm taking gavison but I was wondering if anyone knew any good natural methods? I already follow a diet given to me by my consult and I follow it 99.99999% of the time!

I can see myself dipping into a bad place again, looking for issues without thinking, over thinking all these things....it's really good I never took website blocks off! So no google for me! I'm also in therapy- I tried meds before also but for a number of other reasons that isn't a option for me.

14-02-19, 10:25
Peppermint tea and ginger capsules have helped me with my stomach a lot in the past.

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14-02-19, 15:43
What are doggy issues?

14-02-19, 15:46
What are doggy issues?

Dunno....sick as a doggy? :shrug:

14-02-19, 16:05
Thank you Midnight-Mouse! I'll look into it

Nomorepanic and KK77 Well it's was a honest mistake on my part. I meant to say like dodgy but guess my dyslexia slipped in a little there! I meant to say dodgy. Like as in a upset stomach is something we say and maybe it's not said in other areas either! Sorry for the mistake. :blush:

14-02-19, 17:45
:roflmao:That's ok - you had me thinking all sorts LOL

15-02-19, 03:13
:roflmao:That's ok - you had me thinking all sorts LOL

Talk about click bait. I only looked because of the title :whistles:

Like MM, I found peppermint tea helpful when I had some weeks here & there of wind and bowel looseness. It did help a bit.

16-02-19, 01:11
I moved this thread because I thought it might be a better place- also renamed in during the move! (If anyone was wondering what that was for, I misspell a word...and it gave off a very different reason then I meant it too! :blush:).

So like, I'm really struggling in life at the moment. My stomach/all that area really seems to be having it's time. Lot's of pain, toilet issues (the most worrying thing is I constant feel like I'm going to vomit and have done about twice in the last few weeks...tbf I think once was from food issues.) It's all alot, like I listed above they checked out alot of those years last year. So I try to be strong headed but it can be hard!

I had a really bad day today, felt dizzy, all that stuff I already said and to top it off I think I pulled some type of muscle in my leg because it's very hard to walk without pain with in left leg!

Like, I have therapy again on Monday. Trying to talk things out and stuff. I haven't been to the doctor since December (I have to fly alot by myself ..and I was out of tablet...pill needed to relax me... :blush. My doctor also just wanted to chat about my mental health since she's a dream and I'm very lucky to have her as my doctor.) I don't want to go back since they did a ct scan last year and a stool sample and lots of bloods.

Like I said they already told me what was that and at 22 I think I''m okay. This is more of a moan thread now. After today I just wanted to vent, I didn't put to much on my friends and family about this.

Okay some good news to add to all this badness and mind mess- I'm finally learning to drive! I've had two lessons! It's something I never thought I would do and I'm not scared about it at all! :)

Sorry for all of this, I thought it would be easier to have it in one place....and to be kind to people so they wouldn't have to see that old thread mistake tile each time :roflmao:

16-02-19, 02:48
Could your stomach issues be related to anxiety? I sometimes get stomach issues don’t want to go into tmi but when I’ll really stressed I’ll either get sick or be running to the loo.

Go you going to therapy! I really should I just don’t have the balls to go yet so well done for going.. I’d also love to drive but I’m so nervous so go on you good thing! Best of luck with it x

17-02-19, 21:33
Thank you so much for the lovely words and support :hugs: It means alot to me!

I'm doing my best to live more positive every-day but it's hard! Physical I don't feel great still. My leg/foot is really at me- but even with the pain I manged a 10 hour shift at work (alot of standing and moving) maybe I need to look into a foot wrap :D

I'm also been very exhausted lately, so that's no fun!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend x

17-02-19, 21:35
This thread doesn't seem to be working for me? maybe it's just my account?