View Full Version : stupid doctor

04-09-07, 21:41
I went to the doctors today about my health anxiety, (hadn't been diagnosed), and I couldn't see the doctor I wanted to see, so settled for another doctor.

He was HORRIBLE :weep: . He said it's unusual for someone with a child to worry about themselves, and that usually when people have children they worry about their children and not themselves, like he thought I was being selfish or something. I tried to explain that I don't have selfish worries, I worry about something happening to me because I don't want my baby to be left without a mummy :weep: , he was so arrogant, and almost seemed to be smirking as I was speaking to him. I ended up crying and he wasn't bothered, he basically said I was being silly and irrational, as I'm only 20 he said it's highly unlikely anything bad will happen to me. He obviously doesn't understand what health anxiety is all about. He's made me feel stupid and selfish.

04-09-07, 22:02

i'm sorry you had a bad experience with the doctor. I think we've all had this problem at some time. Sometimes i'm convinced they try to 'shock' you out of your worries - never works with me, i prefer the sympathetic approach (but not too soft on me).
Are you going to see your usual doctor sometime? Put it behind you, you are not stupid or silly, just have anxiety with which you need help (not being made to feel worse).

anx xx

04-09-07, 22:16
i'm sorry to hear about your bad experience. it's happened to me before - i use my university health service so can see any doctor and it's taken me a good few tries to find someone who understood me.

the first doctor offered me anti-depressants as soon as i walked in and threw some leaflets at me saying "it's all new to me". this just made me feel like a complete failure. he also said it was unlikely that anything was going to happen to me; suggesting i was selfish for taking up precious time because my problems were so unimportant.

i went to another one when i started getting tension headaches who also gave me some leaflets and told me to go home and take some painkillers.

then the next doctor i visited understood completely. she checked me over and made me realise that anxiety can cause your body to do some horrible things and that because i couldn't convince myself that i was ok, referred me for counselling straightaway and said if that didn't work we could move on to cbt.

health anxiety is not stupid or selfish - it's a very real problem and as my doctor said, the symptoms are all very real (we don't make them up, we just can't help but make them worse and associate them with the worst possible things).

if the doctor doesn't understand, don't see him again. there's nothing wrong with trying a few doctors to find one you trust and who you feel understands you. it's not your fault that he's so unsympathetic - it's his completely! if health anxiety was such a trivial thing, we wouldn't all be here empathising with you and knowing exactly how you feel!

take care and i hope you have a better experience next time.

sally xxx

05-09-07, 10:01
Hey Imogensmummy.

I'm so sorry you had this experience. Please listen to what the others said though - it is the Doctor's problem and not yours.

Having Health Anxiety is hard enough to cope with as it is, because you often feel you are being 'irrational' and taking up 'precious time'. To have a Doctor near enough say that to you is a disgrace and I can totally understand why it has upset you so much.

I had a similar experience with a GP (who had considerable training in Psychiatry) a couple of years ago, and it left me feeling helpless and pathetic. It takes a lot to go and ask for help.

Consider your options here. I would suggest you make another appointment with a different GP and talk it all through. Doctors aren't Gods and some of them need to realise that. You have every right to go and receive some support. Flippin' 'eck, they earn enough.

If you are really furious, get the name of the Practice Manager and write to him/her detailing what has happened.

Please ignore what this person has said to you. There really are some good GP's out there who will take your worries seriously.

Good luck xxxx

05-09-07, 10:34
Hi Imogensmummy,

What an awful experience for you hun :hugs: Doctors can be so inconsiderate and I know I've felt the same way you do because of something a doctor has said to me and it wouldn't be the first time I walked out of my gp's surgery in tears. I sometimes think doctors are so lacking on information about anxiety that they tend not to be interested for the reason being they ain't got a clue. You are neither stupid or selfish hun :hugs: xxx

05-09-07, 19:20
Just because he is a trained doctor with medical skills doesn't mean he knows how best to use them ! Forget this visit and re-book with someone who will work with you and understand your anxieties.
be kind to yourself

05-09-07, 19:39
oh post like these makes me so mad!!!! :mad:

Doctors like that need to get back to medical school and learn a thing or 2 about mental health issues:lac:
same old story, what they can't see can't be there, you'd get more sympathy if you had a broken leg.
If that was me i'd post him a book about anxiety and tell him to read it.............:mad:

BUT.... not all Dr's are like that so please don't despair, ask the receptionist if you could see another dr as you didn't feel comfotable seeing that one, if you don't want to put it across like that then just say you want a second opinion on an issue, you don't have to say what and they have no right to ask.

keep your chin up, there ARE some lovely understanding dotors out there, really there are:flowers: :flowers:

thinking of you :)