View Full Version : easy off...

14-02-19, 15:46
weird. random.things.that.spark.anxiety.for.me
easy off.
so, i have a housekeeper. been coming here for over 18 years. last week, she brought a helper with her that was new. that helper cleaned my kitchen.
fast forward to today. i noticed the easy off that i had never used(bought some but was scared to use it because of toxins)was in a different place under my sink. i hadn't moved it. hmm. then i put 2&2 together...my top oven has had a black spot(grease)right in the middle of the oven and i had noticed a day or so ago that it was sort of gone. i had not gotten around to cleaning it. so, then i think great. my housekeeper cleaned the oven with easy off.
anyway, the spot wasn't completely gone, just 3/4's of the way. and when i wiped it today, it went away easily. this made me think that the new helper used the easy off and didn't rinse and wipe it good enough, which is why the spot came off easily. like the chemical had been sitting in my ovens for 6 days!! and we have been eating easy off fumes. i worry more about the affect on my son than me and my husband(which by the way, the easy i have is fume free, so no, i wouldn't have smelled it.).
ugh. so i call the housekeeper. she talks to the helper who says no, she only used soap and water. but then my housekeeper said"i don't think she's a liar, who knows". :unsure:
so, then i look at my can of easy off. the top says, you have to line up the nozzle to the black dot to spray. it was not lined up. also, there is no residue or anything on the nozzle. it looks brand new. so, i am thinking, she must not have used it. right? nobody turns the nozzle away from the dot after using it, right?

so, then, my rational side is like. well. nothing has happened to you so far(except my new heart worry, i say to myself...don't go there. don't go there)and you don't really EAT fumes. and what can i do about it now? nothing. just nothing.

so. just putting this out there. not sure why really. i mean....:shrug::shrug::shrug:

15-02-19, 13:20
just here to say, i am proud of myself. i moved right on from this and didn't worry about it.

little victories.

15-02-19, 15:59

15-02-19, 16:03
Go you! :hugs: