View Full Version : Heart palpitations

15-02-19, 05:48
Hi everyone, I few weeks ago I started experiencing what I thought was heart palpitations. I went to see my dr who told me they were ectopic beats and because of my anxiety I was taking notice of them and making them worse by worrying over them. I was signed off work for 2 weeks and felt really good. After being back at work a week I’ve felt them again twice but they’ve not been as strong. Last night I had an awful night I kept waking up feeling like my heart was racing but when I checked my pulse it was around 75bpm. I’m not sure what to do should I try to keep plodding along and hope this goes away as she’s checked my pulse and blood pressure and said it was fine a few weeks ago or go back with this new racing heart feeling?. I do feel on edge like I’m waiting for these ectopic beats so I’m sure that’s not helping.

Please any advise or experience would be really appreciated I’m sure my family and friends are fed up with hearing about my heart

15-02-19, 06:33
It honestly sounds to me like 100% anxiety. Are you seeing anyone or taking any steps to deal with the anxiety?

15-02-19, 10:22
Thank you for replying. My dr has said to go back and see her if I need to and we can look into other options. She’s given me some websites to look at that explaines anxiety and health anxiety she hoped that would be enough to help. I’ve got a book called mind over mood that I’m also reading

15-02-19, 11:53
I suffered very badly with ectopics with my last pregnancy. It took a very long time and many tests for me to accept they were from my anxiety. I rarely get them now and when I do I just brush them off as worrying about them definitely makes them worse. Hope you get over them soon as for me, it was the worst symptom of anxiety I’ve ever experienced x