View Full Version : Sleep confusion

15-02-19, 14:45
I am 35 and I have never had this issue before. It only happens when I wake before completely falling asleep. I dont know how to describle it, but for loke a minute I cant think or anything and it is just like I have to wait for blood to get back to my head. I have myself convinced this must be a brain tumor, I know probably stupid thought but it just scares me when this happens

15-02-19, 15:49
I guess we both have brain tumors because this happens me too! It’s just a normal part of waking up I enjoy it because it means for a brief minute I actually feel relaxed and have no worries until I come back to reality and my normal life starts again :roflmao: seriously thought I always wake up confused not knowing what day it is or even having fallen asleep the night before, mainly when I’ve had naps but in the mornings after a nights sleep too.

15-02-19, 15:50
I enjoy it too, Liddy! Some mornings I wake up and I don't even know who I am for a while. It's lovely to be free of all my day-to-day worries.

15-02-19, 16:01
Isn’t it lovely BlueIris? It’s what I imagine people who have no anxiety feel all day. Little break from the madness.

15-02-19, 16:07
Yeah, there's not that background fear and the world is all comfortable and fuzzy.

23-08-21, 02:01
I think this is what just happened to me but it really freaked me out :( I didn’t know where I was or who was in the flat with me. I was thinking I wanted to go and wake my mum up - I’m 32 and haven’t lived with my mum for like 15 years ….
It really scared me then I felt so dizzy when I got out of bed and had an enormous panic attack ☹️☹️