View Full Version : Legit concern so terrified....

16-02-19, 20:42
So for the past few weeks ive been having pain on my upper right rib cage. Well the past few days the pain is just getting worse and worse.. I went to the er last night where they did a ultrasound that showed Focal areas of geographic fatty infiltration liver. Then they did a ct scan with contrast which was completely normal no lesion liver or anything. What could be causing my pain? Im so scared its something bad because the pain is getting worse..

---------- Post added at 20:42 ---------- Previous post was at 20:39 ----------

Fatty liver from my understanding is asymptomatic unless the liver is enlarged so I domt know if its that. Is the next step a liver biopsy? Im scared of whats causing this I have drank alcohol a mittle more than I should have the past couple of months but nothing to crazy.

16-02-19, 20:47
What did the doctors say? I cannot imagine a biopsy would be done following a normal CT.

16-02-19, 20:49
Then they did a ct scan with contrast which was completely normal no lesion liver or anything.

The next step is nothing.

Good luck with the anxiety Hypo.

16-02-19, 20:51
Could you update this thread, that went on for two years.....as the outcome was never put on there. I'm sure that everybody who was involved for two years would like to know, and it would be the courteous thing to do.


As for the fatty liver, I know very little about it - but know that it can be a common finding in imaging. (it says up to 33 % of the US population on something I looked up)It doesn't matter what we think about you recent A and E visit (!) what did the doctors there say to you?

This is the trouble with having every body part scanned and checked over and over, things will turn up that are actually probably something that you would never have known about and carried on living with.

16-02-19, 21:01
Could you update this thread, that went on for two years.....as the outcome was never put on there. I'm sure that everybody who was involved for two years would like to know, and it would be the courteous thing to do.


As for the fatty liver, I know very little about it - but know that it can be a common finding in imaging. (it says up to 33 % of the US population on something I looked up)It doesn't matter what we think about you recent A and E visit (!) what did the doctors there say to you?

This is the trouble with having every body part scanned and checked over and over, things will turn up that are actually probably something that you would never have known about and carried on living with.

They just said they weren't sure why im having the pain... But its gettimg worse thsts gotta be a bad sign...

16-02-19, 21:04
But its gettimg worse thsts gotta be a bad sign...

A bad sign of another multi page thread :whistles:

Positive thoughts

16-02-19, 21:08
If they weren't sure why you were getting the pain, that means 'we saw no reason for pain', nothing that would cause symptoms ! You are moving on again, to another HA fear.

Go and open your posting statistics HYpo, look up your threads started, and read back the titles.

Are you going to update your last long 2 year thread ?

16-02-19, 21:13
A bad sign of another multi page thread :whistles:

Positive thoughts

Haha, absolutely. I bet this same phrase was written 20 times in the last one.

16-02-19, 21:44
I had a HIDA scan on my gallbladder back in 2015 which show slightly reduced ejection fraction is it possible my gallbladder is worse?

16-02-19, 21:44
Re: Legit concern so terrified....

The only "legit" thing here is HA. Here is a "legit" question: When are you going to get help for your HA? :lac:

16-02-19, 21:49
I had a HIDA scan on my gallbladder back in 2015 which show slightly reduced ejection fraction is it possible my gallbladder is worse?

Ask a doctor

16-02-19, 21:54
I had a HIDA scan on my gallbladder back in 2015 which show slightly reduced ejection fraction is it possible my gallbladder is worse?
No idea at all, this is an advanced medical question which we simply can't even guess at.

I am just staggered that someone of your age seems to have had every inch of their person scanned, poked, prodded and tested. Honestly, you've had so many things tested for that I didn't even know half of them existed.

Are you obese by the way, as that is cited in having some fatty liver?

16-02-19, 21:58
No idea at all, this is an advanced medical question which we simply can't even guess at.

I am just staggered that someone of your age seems to have had every inch of their person scanned, poked, prodded and tested. Honestly, you've had so many things tested for that I didn't even know half of them existed.

Are you obese by the way, as that is cited in having some fatty liver?

No I'm not obese at all.

16-02-19, 22:01
....and.....again.....will you PLEASE update your 2 year thread ?


People put a lot of effort into that thread, and although you have moved on to something new, it would be nice to close the loop on it for anyone reading in future.

---------- Post added at 22:01 ---------- Previous post was at 22:00 ----------

No I'm not obese at all.

Oh well, that s that theory out then. :winks: They've found no reason in your liver for what you are describing. So, there won't be any biopsies or further tests I presume.

16-02-19, 22:45
What did the doctors say? I cannot imagine a biopsy would be done following a normal CT.

Given that a CT scan would have revealed an enlarged liver (which given what has been said, sounds like was NOT found), the only OTHER reason for a biopsy would be prolonged strongly elevated liver enzymes (which again, do not seem to be the case right now).

Fatty liver, while more common in overweight people, can happen to anyone with a poor diet, especially one high in sugar (it sounds crazy, but it is fructose, not dietary fat that causes liver fat).

There are other causes of rib area pain, including the painful but completely harmless rib tip syndrome. Costochondral pain can also cause that kind of pain, and is also harmless (ask me how I know that one.. hah).. And even just a sprain or other muscle pull can be significantly painful without obvious cause, and can take weeks to heal.

The fact that no further rests were ordered means that nothing in the blood or CT gave cause for concern, so you can't let your mind go wild right now..

16-02-19, 22:51
You know you cab get rib pain from poor posture or sitting too long

17-02-19, 00:12
After all this time, you should know what this is...


Positive thoughts

17-02-19, 04:51
Given that a CT scan would have revealed an enlarged liver (which given what has been said, sounds like was NOT found), the only OTHER reason for a biopsy would be prolonged strongly elevated liver enzymes (which again, do not seem to be the case right now).

Fatty liver, while more common in overweight people, can happen to anyone with a poor diet, especially one high in sugar (it sounds crazy, but it is fructose, not dietary fat that causes liver fat).

There are other causes of rib area pain, including the painful but completely harmless rib tip syndrome. Costochondral pain can also cause that kind of pain, and is also harmless (ask me how I know that one.. hah).. And even just a sprain or other muscle pull can be significantly painful without obvious cause, and can take weeks to heal.

The fact that no further rests were ordered means that nothing in the blood or CT gave cause for concern, so you can't let your mind go wild right now..

You know you cab get rib pain from poor posture or sitting too long

And I'll add muscular tension on to this, as seen all the time in anxiety...I've had it years.

17-02-19, 07:35
Not sure if this has already been raised, but anxiety also causes hypervigilance, which can cause the body to interpret innocent physical sensations as pain.

Maybe it's because my health anxiety is avoidant in nature, but I can't imagine being given the all-clear by a specialist and then still wanting a liver biopsy - that's a pretty invasive procedure in and of itself.

17-02-19, 15:44
Sounds like costochondritis. I get it all the time when my anxiety is bad from hyperventilating.

17-02-19, 16:28
The pain is always getting worse each day for you, Hypo. With each and every one of your "conditions". You must have an extraordinarily high pain threshold.

17-02-19, 16:40
You must have an extraordinarily high pain threshold. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1857434)

OR.....a very low one !

17-02-19, 16:47
I think there's a certain mindset amongst some HA sufferers that any bodily sensation at all must be a sign of something seriously wrong.

17-02-19, 16:48
The pain is always getting worse each day for you, Hypo. With each and every one of your "conditions". You must have an extraordinarily high pain threshold.


OR.....a very low one !

Or a mind struggling to think objectively and over inflates all worries. Basically, like the rest of us one here :noangel:...until we get going in recovery work.

I think it's important to accept the embarrassing results that nothing is wrong. We also need to be kind about that too so people might be more willing to admit their mistakes. It's anonymous here, open up. What harm will it do you to tell us? If you can't do that, at least admit it to yourself. Until you do, this pattern is your life.

17-02-19, 16:59
Yes, thats my point Terry, that admitting it is part of accepting that pattern that currently exists. 'I was wrong, nothing was found' is something that people need to reinforce in order to be able to start rationalising more successfully next time. Every illness that serial posters have, have huge long threads, and then those threads end when another illness is moved onto. Few go back to those huge long threads and say 'it was nothing', when reflection on that huge long thread and the years of replies and the ultimate 'all clear' would be very helpful. Hypo isn't alone in this - it happens all the time - I fully expect that there was nothing found and that the 'all clear' has been given :D Hypo is resisting updating this thread I'd guess because it feels uncomfortable to be pushed into rationalising the outcome.

17-02-19, 17:04
Yes, thats my point Terry, that admitting it is part of accepting that pattern that currently exists. 'I was wrong, nothing was found' is something that people need to reinforce in order to be able to start rationalising more successfully next time. Every illness that serial posters have, have huge long threads, and then those threads end when another illness is moved onto. Few go back to those huge long threads and say 'it was nothing', when reflection on that huge long thread and the years of replies and the ultimate 'all clear' would be very helpful. Hypo isn't alone in this - it happens all the time - I fully expect that there was nothing found and that the 'all clear' has been given :D

Same here, I'm pretty sure if something was found, even if it was an unclear result, posters like this will be straight back on here chasing reassurance over it and disappearing back down the rabbit hole. It's not as easy to do that, to obtain reassurance from us, if that result comes back as big doctor version of a "meh" :D

Updates would be nice. It's like many a member though, something goes away for some reason and something new comes along so it gets a new thread. If you daisy chained everyone's threads they would probably look like that for the most part. We just see it more with these repetitive posters because of the volume in one place. But many notice the patterns in us all too and re-raise the past flaws to try to get them to rationalise, just as you have done here. We can only try, if they take something from it then it's worth it.