View Full Version : Very strange vision problems

17-02-19, 01:35
Hi, I don’t really know what I’m doing and I haven’t really ever posted on a forum or anything like this before but I don’t really have anywhere else to go with this right now as I can’t go to the opticians until I go home as I am at uni. I have really bad health anxiety and I’ve had a few health worries in the past that turned out to just be nothing, so I’m hoping this is just one of those and I’m overthinking things. I’m really at my wits end with this and it’s almost ruining my life, and I know I should have gone to the opticians before now but I’m just so scared:(
So just under 2 years ago I started seeing black heat wave like shapes in my eyes right above the centre of my vision, they occurred in both eyes and moved really quickly and started out big but then disappeared and it looked like they floated away, it first happened when I was outside and it was really bright out. It’s only happened a few times since then and only when the sun is shining into my eyes. The last time it happened was about 7 months ago.
I know they’re not floaters because shortly after that I started seeing floaters, I had a big vertical line in my left eye and a horizontal wavy one going through it and loads of clumps of circles and random shapes and they have just gotten worse since then.
I then went to the opticians just over a year ago, she gave me an eye test and said everything was fine and that floaters are just something you live with. So I wasn’t concerned anymore for a couple of months after that but then I started to see white lights in my vision, they occur all in the same shapes when they happen, for example one is in my right eye and is rectangular shaped, one happens in my left eye that is just the shape of a blob etc etc but I always get the same few shapes when they happen. I figure these are light flashes? But I’m not sure. I also get similar shapes to these but they are dark blue when I have my eyes open and red/black when I shut my eyes. They only last for about 10 seconds.
I also get what looks like what you see after looking into a bright light except I haven’t looked at any bright lights, these are like green coloured shapes that change colour and when I close my eyes they’re either green or black and they’re really distracting.
I also have visual snow which is more prevelent in the dark.
So as you can imagine I’m pretty much convinced I have something horrible wrong with me, even though I went to the opticians and she said everything is fine with my eyes and I have no other symptoms of a brain tumor, etc etc even though that’s what I have obviously convinced myself is happening.
I’m not really sure why I’m posting this but I think I just need some support, if anyone has had anything weird like this occur before it would make me feel at least more at ease. I don’t know if it’s just me overthinking every random thing my eyes do because I have health anxiety and I’m LOOKING for things or if there is actually something wrong. And I do realise I sound maybe a little bit crazy, I feel it too. Like I said I’m planning on going to the opticians again hopefully next weekend when I come home from uni. Sorry for the horribly long post!!! Thankyou for reading:)

19-02-19, 00:59
The heat waves you described sound a lot like harmless migraine auras (especially if it was in both eyes at the same time). They can be freaky and jarring, just take deep breaths and rest until they go away and maybe pop a Tylenol if a headache is on its way (they don't always present with headaches).

I get a lot of the things you're talking about (the black spots, the bright light afterimages, etc.). I've been to an ophthalmologist a few times in the past 6 months, and I've gotten a clean bill of eyeball health. It's most likely stress and anxiety related and if you're blood pressure is a bit high, it can play tricks on the eyes too. I am obsessive about my eyes and am trying to calm down. When I focus on other things, my vision symptoms subside for a while. It's a long process to fight off health anxiety. The doctor jokes about how in tune I am with my vision. I notice things most people wouldn't. I once went into the eye doctor bc I had a stationary spot in my vision that wasn't going away and the doctor told me I had a tiny retinal bruise, which healed up very quickly after my appointment. They were shocked I even noticed it.

Get to the eye doctor for some reassurance. I hope your tests come out well, which I'm sure they will :) Hopefully it will offer you some peace of mind :)