View Full Version : Extreme fatigue/flu like body aches

17-02-19, 10:57
Hi all, recently in I have had extreme fatigue where it feels like i am coming down with the flu or a cold-the kind of body aching /weakness you get with the flu. I don't actually have the flu though.

I have had many of these 'funny turns' over the years where I suddenly feel utterly fatigued, it seems to happen in a few hours and usually ends up making me go home from wherever I am. I cannot find a rhyme or reason to it.

The last one happened a few days ago where I suddenly felt an overhwhelming exhaustion in the mall and had to go home straight away. It was like my body just stopped. Since then I have been feeling achey and fluey. I am sure there is np physical virus as I don't have any other symptoms. I have had some severe stress over the past 2-3 weeks, but before that I was jogging on the treadmill every other day in the gym, so it doesn't make sense!

I sometimes really wonder if I have CFS or ME and that scares the SHIT out of me. But then I think, if I did have cfs or me, wouldn't the fatigue be constant? I can definitely pinpoint times over the past few years where I have felt like my body wants to just 'stop'. It suddenly feels like a battery with no energy. But I have also been able to keep a job and do quite a lot of other normal things.

Praying this is just yet another horrible symptom of anxiety and depression and it will go away soon. I want my normal life back as I am only 29. :( I have booked a GP appt and I really want to get tested for thyroid, immune disorders, aneamia, b12 deficiency etc. I also have extremely pale skin (been commented on many times), crappy skin and very thin hair which falls out to the point where I have to wear hair extensions to look normal. I have been struggling a lot to lose weight too, many people comment that I hardly eat but I still lose weight at a snail's pace. My mother has lupus, hashimotos diesease AND psoriasis- a whole host of auto immune problems which I'm sure are hereditary...

Looking for someone to sympathise and tell me it will get better as I feel so incredibly low these days :( :( :(

18-02-19, 00:12
It would make sense to be checked over like you say. If you have a family history of things then it’s sensible to get checked.
I have got exactly what you’re describing though over the years. It happened to me today too. I’d been doing light cleaning of the house and I sat down to have something to eat and when I got up I felt dreadful, like I was ill. But on this occasion instead of worrying about it I thought I’d ignore it and see if I could carry on. I did and you know what? It went away. I wonder whether it was a reaction to the Adrenalin from the cleaning and worrying what it was. But it passed. And I tell you in those initial moments I felt really unwell like I could collapse or fall asleep.
But book that dr app and rule out anything else x

19-02-19, 15:41
Thanks for your reply, i felt better the last couple of days but then had a panic attack today. If it's not one symptom, it's another. Anxiety sucks.