View Full Version : Heart Attacks

05-09-07, 02:22
Does anyone else have this as there main cause of health anxiety for me its really starting to get to me every little twinge or pain in my chest i instantly think heart attack. i must have had 10-15 ecg,s and every time they come back normal but still i worry even though ive been reasured 100 times that im fine im sure my doctors are getting fed up now but i cant help the way i feel is this normal for someone with health anxiety .

05-09-07, 09:06
Yes. Its ONE of my main "health" concerns. I'm beginning to understand as to why i have this, but its not making it any easier.

I've had many tests done...all clear.


05-09-07, 18:17
Hi gareth,

i have suffered anxiety and panic attacks since 2004 since my partner suffered 2 heart attacks within 3 months at the age of 40. I like you have had more ECG's than i care to remember, every pain in my back chest or arm i thought i was dying or having a heart attack, heart attacks are my main worry and i am petrified of having one, but nearly 4 years later and being on first name terms with the doctor and the receptionists at the surgery i am still here at the tender age of 35, every pain i have had, every feeling like my blood pressure is up or i am going to pass out, or could it be a DVT which could cause a heart attack, I think i must have had 20 heart attacks and about 15 strokes, but i havent died, i havent even passed out. If there was something seriously wrong with you beleive me the doctors would have found it, my partners heart attacks where genetic which could not be stopped unfortunatly, but i am coping much better now with the pains, but i dont get them as often now, probably because i try and think its only a pain, and most of the time it does go away if you ignore it, its only when you start to panic that it will mimick the signs of a heart attack.

sorry to go on, but you can beat this, i have, ok its taken me 4 years and i am still not cured 100% but 98% and life is for living now and i live each day to the full or try to anyway lol

take care and please pm me if you need anymore help


05-09-07, 18:41
I have PTSD, anxiety and depression and i also fear having a heart attack. I think there are millions of us out there who fear this. We are still here though plodding along, lol, even though the anxiety is always still there for me.xx

05-09-07, 19:55
this is currently my main fear and every time i feel a little twinge i get so scared, even though it's most likely to be digestion related or the muscles tensing up. i guess i try and reassure myself by thinking that of all the funny feelings i've had, none have turned into a heart attack. my ex boyfriend died of a heart attack young (although this was drug-related) which started my fears about having one so i know how you feel.

just take care of yourself the best you can and try and allow this to be your reassurance. your heart will feel funny sometimes. as my doctor said, the heart will speed up and slow down several times a day and this happens for everyone - it's just that our anxiety often causes funny feelings when we're sat still and we can't ignore it like everyone else!

i hope you start to feel better soon hun. it is possible to learn to let these feelings pass - i have before and hopefully i will again soon.

sally xxx

05-09-07, 20:14
Mines is heart attacks too.

Mind you, if my left big toe was my main vital organ, I imagine I would worry about that too.


05-09-07, 22:30
cheers guys its always nice for a bit of reasurance but like my doc says im 26 play football 3 times a week have quit smoking only drink rarely these days and use the gym most days plus knowone in my family has suffered any kind of heart disease so shouldnt worry especially after having every check known to man but still the fear is there guess its just a mind over matter thing.

05-09-07, 22:50
Hi Gareth,

Heart attack does it for me too, especially at two in the morning!!!

06-09-07, 00:06
Yep 100% my main scare. I've had it today and the thought - when I get the pain would I phone the docs or 999 like 4 months ago? - it's there whenever I am worried.