View Full Version : Anxiety has now moved on to me worrying about girlfriend

17-02-19, 22:29
Sorry for the long post, but I need someone to talk to.

Back in December, my girlfriend's father suddenly passed away due to a heart attack. He was the rock of the family and as strong as a bull, so his passing rocked the family as it was such a shock.

In the autopsy they found that his heart attack was a hereditary disease, which could have been found earlier and possibly prevented, but because he never went to the doctors it was never found.

My girlfriend, understandably, took it hard (as did the rest of the family) and since then, because he was so fit, everyone has been more aware of their own general health.

On Friday morning I woke up for work to find my girlfriend crying next to me. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that she woke up in the night and began to get chest pains, which scared her into having a panic attack. She also told me that for the last week she's been getting bouts of a fuzzy head and that her periods of late have been lighter and more regular - she has PCOS which has meant her periods can be sporadic and heavy, but because this has changed.

I asked why she didn't tell me any of this before and she said she didn't want to worry me as I was already dealing with my own health anxiety - which made me feel horrible and incredibly selfish.

I told her to make an appointment at the doctors, where they saw her later that day. They took her blood pressure to find that it was high, booked her in for an ECG, then sent her for blood tests.

She's currently on beta blockers to lower her blood pressure and has an appointment on Tuesday to see the doctor to speak to about her periods and check her for lumps etc.

She's never ill, it's always me, so the thought of her having something seriously wrong is terrifying me.

It's taking all my willpower not to google her symptoms. I just want her to be ok :weep:

17-02-19, 22:34
She is now in the best hands

18-02-19, 07:34
That sounds very scary and traumatic. I’m really pleased that she is getting help though.
There’s no point googling her symptoms as only she knows them completely. Also, she didn’t want to worry you, so she’d hate to think you were doing that.
It’s very soon after her Dad died, grief can cause physical stress as well as mental.

Take care of each other.

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23-02-19, 13:59
Hey everyone,

A little update. Got the blood test results back - she has low vitamin D levels and slightly elevated white blood cells. Doctor has put her on vitamin d tablets to go along with her blood pressure tablets to see if it helps. She's got to go for more blood tests in two weeks, but she's still feeling dizzy.

I haven't googled her symptoms, but I know elevated white blood cells can be a sign of cancer. :(
I'm so scared for her. I feel even worse as apparently she has now started to get health anxiety, which is no doubt from living with me so long :(

23-02-19, 15:23
I know for a fact that low vitamin levels can and do cause symptoms like your girlfriend is having. I had some physical symptoms and blood work showed the same thing. 21 days of a mega D pill and things resolved. I take a D supp 2x a day now and all is well.

Positive thoughts