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View Full Version : Swallowing Anxiety, please help me

18-02-19, 17:38

A few weeks back i was eating some toast and became very aware of my chewing the food and swallowing, then when i tried to swallow the toast i ended up choking on it and bringing it back up. Since this i have been panicking everytime it comes to eating :( i thought i was getting better as i did have a week where i went back to eating normally again i was so happy and thought i was over it. Turns out i wasnt. My husband accidently made a comment about it and it struck a chord in my stupid mind again and since that day (almost two weeks ago) i have been fearing eating. Im trying to stick to food thats easier to eat and swallow chopped tomatoes, soup etc however the other day i eating and it happened again not as bad that time but enough to scare me. Its so frustrating i just want to get past this and be able to enjoy my food again and not worry everytime i come to eat it. Has anyone else been through this and gotten better? Please tell me there is hope. This is torture at the moment everyday. Please help. I had a ct scan on my throat last year for different reasons so i know its all in my mind. Help!

19-02-19, 00:42

19-02-19, 02:21
It has been made into a trigger, something to be wary of or avoid. What you are doing with trying to carry on with softer foods is good rather than trying to avoid things altogether but try to reintroduce things bit by bit until you get used to being ok with it. As you become more used to them this initial anxiety of eating it should start to reduce.

When you do this your mind is going to be scanning for things/sensations and overthinking. Use some positive affirmation or acceptance to tell yourself it is ok to feel like this and it will pass. Initially you may swallow unusually because of that focus but as you train yourself to care less it will return back to the largely autonomous routine it was before.

19-02-19, 03:32

19-02-19, 03:57
I had it mildly once for a few days, then I accidentally swallowed a large cough drop before it disintegrated...I didn't choke or die so that was that! (I'm not recommending you try that). Just go bit by bit like Terry said and the exposure will build up and you'll be fine.

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19-02-19, 14:08
Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately i made the mistake of googling and came across the words sometimes it’s even fatal. Im feeling worse than ever. Im terrified im never gonna get past this. I get so scared to eat now because of it and its such a struggle, how can i move past this? I went to the Drs earlier who has refferred me for cbt (long waiting list) and she actually to,d me you can choke in anything even liquids and that we need to stop this becoming more of an issue, so im more scared than ever now. I cant see this getting any better :(

19-02-19, 14:16
It'll get better, but you do need to stop Googling. When I've had problems with this in the past, the only thing I've been able to do is wait it out until I accepted it. Once the tension wasn't as much of an issue, the problem resolved itself almost overnight.

19-02-19, 14:23
I wish i never googled :( always seem to make the same mistake looking for something to make me feel better but inly find things that make me worse :( when you say accept it what do you mean? X

19-02-19, 14:26
I mean, try to eat and drink as close to normally as you can, and do your best not to let the can't swallow sensation freak you out.

19-02-19, 14:30
I mean, try to eat and drink as close to normally as you can, and do your best not to let the can't swallow sensation freak you out.

Its so hard not to panic isn’t it. I put the food in my mouth chew then as i come to swallow i panic sometimes and feel like i cant and my belly goes over and the once it happened jus after i swallowed and i coughed it back up. I just dont know how to stop fearing it :(

19-02-19, 14:32
Will the automatic swallow reflex always kick back in at some point? Like whats the longest that can happen for a few seconds or longer? I guess thats part of my fear that it will happen over and over again everytime and also if it happens just after i swallow like before and cough it back up. :(

19-02-19, 14:45
I know it's really hard, but this is how things will probably be for a few weeks. The important thing is to accept the fear and not restrict your diet, so that things don't escalate. If you try not to make a big deal of it (and I know this is really difficult), sooner or later your body will realise that there isn't any threat and stop reacting accordingly.

19-02-19, 15:21
I have this - my husband became worried when I once choked on soup. If I concentrate too hard on swallowing, I just can't anymore. I need a glass of water. What soothes me is that I can always swallow my food if water is available. This means that I don't particularly have issues swallowing, but it's anxiety. I did have a barium swallow test done to be sure nothing was wrong, but I'm fine. It's tough to "forget about it" when you're home alone eating, for sure, it's just something that you will eventually learn to live with and forget about - as long as you have a glass of water nearby (at least, for me), you can feel safe.

19-02-19, 16:30
Sometimes it's about pushing through and shwoing the body to stop reacting with these sensations. Exposure is a way to achieve this but it can take time and it does mean confronting the fear, even if it is structured into smaller steps towards the larger end goal.

What you are trying to do, for whatever reason although we know what sparked it in this case, is take over a largely autonomous function of the body. For some this is swallowing, others breathing, some blinking. For some it is strong enough to be a whole theme in their OCD but for many of us it's one of those areas of anxiety that comes and then it moves onto something else so it might not be an issue that sticks.

You need to tell yourself that you trust yourself and your body. If something hits your throat, the body has ben coping with that since birth just as it has breathing. It will make you cough to get rid of it or you will reach for a drink. But try to reduce that reaction to it by accepting something has happened and you are still fine and it's only the anxiety that is unpleasant.

And don't bother with Googling stories. Yes, people choke and some do die BUT how many people get some food caught on the way down every day compared to them. Billions around the world? If all their stories were added online you would struggle to find the scary stuff.

19-02-19, 20:26
Its so frustrating even when i manage to eat my dinner ok, my mind just says just sbout did it might not be so lucky next time. Its really really getting me down, ive been crying all evening. Really hope this is something that is going yo go away.

19-02-19, 20:40
It will pass, but it might not be an immediate thing. I know it feels scary, but it isn't worth crying over.

19-02-19, 20:43
Are you able to get in to the doctor for a barium swallow? Once all is confirmed ok it may relax you - it's just a simple swallow test in front of an x-ray, usually with a speech therapist present (they help re-train swallowing in people with dysphagia).

19-02-19, 20:44
It will pass, but it might not be an immediate thing. I know it feels scary, but it isn't worth crying over.

Thank you. I just feel so low at the moment and feel like theres no light at the end of tunnel. I just want to be able to eat properly again wihout thinking about it. I will never take that for granted if i am lucky enough to get past this xx

19-02-19, 20:46
Are you able to get in to the doctor for a barium swallow? Once all is confirmed ok it may relax you - it's just a simple swallow test in front of an x-ray, usually with a speech therapist present (they help re-train swallowing in people with dysphagia).

i could ask but i know mine is from anxiety and i know it might sound crazy to some but that scares me more as i feel like i cant control it. :(

19-02-19, 20:49
I understand completely - it's what mine was from, too. Stuff would just stick in the top of my throat. Because it's anxiety, that's actually okay - from what I've experienced and read, the swallow reflex kicks in - it has to. It's like the gag reflex. And actually, it's one or the other. Your body won't let you choke on purpose. It will either try to get you to swallow or try to get you to expel what is in your throat. It'll take time, but you will be okay. As long as you recognize this is from anxiety, it's in your control. You got this!

19-02-19, 20:58
I understand completely - it's what mine was from, too. Stuff would just stick in the top of my throat. Because it's anxiety, that's actually okay - from what I've experienced and read, the swallow reflex kicks in - it has to. It's like the gag reflex. And actually, it's one or the other. Your body won't let you choke on purpose. It will either try to get you to swallow or try to get you to expel what is in your throat. It'll take time, but you will be okay. As long as you recognize this is from anxiety, it's in your control. You got this!

Thank you. Im so fearful of those few seconds when i forget how to swallow it feels like i will never be able to swallow again in those moments. I need to learn how to control that response because immediately i cant eat, my heart pounds, i shake, my mind tells me ill never be able to eat properly again etc and its a fast downward spiral so the next time i come to eat im so fearful of it happening but thinkinh about it makes it more likely. Such a vicious cycle :(

21-02-19, 20:14
Ive had a horrible day today literally couldnt eat my dinner tonight, just put the foid in my mouth and couldnt swallow it :( dont think im ever going to be able to get past this and its scaring me so much. Starting therapy saturday heres hoping they can help. So scared right now

22-02-19, 01:08

22-02-19, 11:33
You will get past it. I had it as severe as you did and now I no longer have that anxiety symptom. I can eat anything and everything just fine, no fear about swallowing.

I didn't have therapy either, I just thought F it, and started to eat and swallow, with the fear still being there, and tried to give it no extra thought. I would drive and eat, watch tv and eat, and one day I noticed that it was gone.

How long did it take you to move past this? X

22-02-19, 11:52
How long did it take you to move past this? X

There’s no magical time line of how long it takes; it will depend on the choices you make to get past it I’m afraid. I’ve had similar swallowing issues but not with food.

Positive vibes,


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23-02-19, 04:56

23-02-19, 06:47
At my very worst, after starting a med, I was very afraid of putting things in my mouth as it may block my breathing or change the sensations in my body. I was at that point of controlling absolutely everything to avoid anything getting worse. Eating was part of this but so was drinking water.

The first few weeks were very hard. I had to eat & drink so there was little choice but to take it. What I worked out helped me was to stare intently at the TV on button. It did help keep it reduced and after a coupele of weeks I found it wasn't anywhere near as bad.

Since I had started to build up more core beliefs about things like this being a danger it did take many months & more to push beyond certain elements of it (changing foods, trying new foods, eating the meal on a different day rather than insisting on the same day, using the exact same cutlery, eating in orders, etc) but the initial fear of a panic attack that would never actually come was now greatly reduced.