View Full Version : Does this ever get better ??????

19-02-19, 11:35
I have been suffering with really high anxiety and low mood for a few months now and just feel scared all the time and feel I have no control , I’m in the middle of a med change and just feel so bad I can’t see the end , it starts as soon as I wake up and the lay few weeks it’s been getting worse it’s now all day , shaking , crying , feelings of not wanting to go through this anymore

o really try everyday but can’t stand the feelings anymore !!!!!!

19-02-19, 12:49
Hello @Tristan the short answer is sometimes,I have been like this for 30 years now,nauseous ,light headed,and all the feelings you describe,the more you do the easier it gets,but you do get breaks,I promise you,just try and carry on as normal,yes I have days where I am totally worn out,daren't sit down if I do I fall asleep,anxiety is a bully don;t run from it,just accept it,don't fight it,I know that your thinking "I can't take no more"I do many times but I am still here,there are a lot of conditions which are far worse,at least anxiety isn't terminal(LOL) take care my friend:)

19-02-19, 12:51
Great advice there, Aquilega. It's a question of finding the balance between pushing your boundaries and not exhausting yourself.

26-02-19, 20:27
The short answer is Yes. It does get better but it can take time and you need to find what medication and/or coping techniques work for you. I had extreme anxiety for about a year, remained on medication for 9 but have been off meds over a year now. Do I still get anxiety? Yes, it's part of life. But I've gotten much better at coping with it. You can't fight it, just accept it like it was high blood pressure or diabetes, it's a condition you manage, not cure. Fake it till you make it is a motto I use to get me through the day. Even when you least feel like it, keep going. Try to distract yourself, by work or hobbies (I cross stitch to hold my concentration). And keep reassuring yourself, it can and will get better.