View Full Version : so worried about son please help

20-02-19, 13:04

I am very worried about my son now . About 10 days ago he has a bacterial infection in his trachea and ended up getting admitted to hospital for one night due to fast breathing etc . He got steriods and a week course of strong antibiotics. He has recovered now but still has a cough

My worry is more his mental state . The night after he was in hospital he was still quite ill and woke in night saying he heard loud noises in his head and things were going fast . I thought it was just steriods so just did not worry much . Then a week later it happened again this time he was on no medication . He got up at 3 saying he heard loud noises in his head and things are racing . I got him settled in with me and he was ok . The last 3 nights before last he has refused to sleep alone as worried he will wake with noises

however last night he was totally happy all day and says he fine to go back to his bed now . after about 10 mins in bed he came to me saying the noises were back and everything was going fast in his head and he was not even asleep yet ! So calmed him again and they went away .

i just don’t know what going on . It first seemed like some sleep issue like a parasomnia but last night he was not even asleep

He said he started to feel the fast noisy thought as soon as he thought about maybe getting them in night

another thing to add is that he had first experience of death last week when my husband aunt died of terminal cancer . That was day he got out of hospital

I so worried about this hearing noises and thinking schizophrenia! Or some mental ill sss

I phoned my gp today so he wants to see him at 4

Any mums dads out there with any advise. He is 11 nearly 12

so so worried can’t stop the tears


20-02-19, 13:46
I have no expert advice, and good that you're taking him to the doctor, but could it be anxiety? I would think that a kid that age may have trouble articulating a panic attack, but what he described almost sounds that way, especially since he feels better right away when he comes into your room and that most recently it happened when he was worrying about it happening.

It would make sense for a family death and then a hospital stay to trigger it, especially if there is anxiety in the family. Good luck!

20-02-19, 20:10
That sounds really hard to deal with.
How did you get on at the doctor? It does sound like it’s related to this illness or anxiety around the illness.

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20-02-19, 23:24

Did you take him to the doctor? My son has migraine attacks and sometimes he sees/hears things (non-distinct usually, but shapes and sounds) without getting an actual headache. He is nearly 10.

Does he have a temperature or anything?

Really sorry I have no real advice, but I can understand how you're very worried. I would be beside myself too.

I'm sending love. I hope that he feels better really soon xx

21-02-19, 00:14
The only thing that comes to mind is a negative reaction to the steroids. I had a negative reaction to steroids when I was in treatment and they caused psychological reactions.

Let us know how you make out!

Positive thoughts

22-02-19, 08:19
Hi all

so I went to doctor . He checked him physically first said his throat still bit red and ears got fluid which might contribute to loud noises . He thinks he has woken a few times when poorly either from steriod side effect or the illness but now illness is over and he off steriods he worrying about it and causing it himself , said brain is very very powerful at doing that

he still won’t sleep alone so has been with me the past few nights and had no noises . Which I guess points to anxieties when he alone .

I will I’ll need to try to get him to sleep in his own bed again though as husband getting annoyed with spare room . Tonight I think I will try to sleep on his floor

I very anxious over it all and this been hard year for me .

I had reduced my antidepressants from 20 to 10 gradually since summer but feel I just back to terrible anxiety again . I seeing my own GP today as my family are worried I going back to my own anxiety

i so so disappointed and frustrated with myself that I not strong enough to cope with things that other can .

I feel that that butterflies in stomach and jittery all time with no appetite

thanks to you all so much for replying . Any tips for beating this with my son most appreciated xxx

ellie - another worrier

22-02-19, 18:45
Glad you got him checked over. There’s no harm him sleeping with you while scared, but ease him back into his own bed gently.

Your anxiety won’t suddenly disappear, so take it easy too xx

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22-02-19, 20:00
Glad you got him checked over. There’s no harm him sleeping with you while scared, but ease him back into his own bed gently.

Your anxiety won’t suddenly disappear, so take it easy too xx

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Thank you so much for saying that . Most people are saying to me that I too soft letting him sleep with me I going to try to ease him back . You very kind to reply x

22-02-19, 20:23
Thank you so much for saying that . Most people are saying to me that I too soft letting him sleep with me I going to try to ease him back . You very kind to reply x

I used to get night terrors as a kid roughly about the same age as your son. My mum used to let me sleep with her too, it was such a comforting thing for me and eventually I got used to sleeping in my own bed again, but I am so thankful for the time that I was able to have. I don’t think it’s soft at all.

Positive vibes,


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22-02-19, 21:02
Thank you so much for saying that . Most people are saying to me that I too soft letting him sleep with me I going to try to ease him back . You very kind to reply x

I don’t see the point in not giving him comfort, he’s gone through something very traumatic! But also, he’s old enough to want his own bed back eventually

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26-02-19, 21:22
Hi Ellie,
my daughter had severe anxiety and depression at age 14 due to physical illness. She slept in my bed for a year from 16 - 17 years old. She needed that comfort. We never even really spoke about it until she was in her twenties. I had no partner so that wasn't a problem. I guess I am saying, it's ok for our children to need comfort. Teens are under a lot of pressure in all kinds of ways that we weren't at their age.

In fact we all need help and support. Please take care of yourself too, and if you need meds, take them gladly. Mental health issues are not weaknesses we need to be ashamed of. They are part of daily life for so many of us. I have days when I am anxious for no apparent reason - it's been easier since I accepted that instead of adding 'beating myself up about being weak and silly' to the burden!

Much love to you,