View Full Version : Lupus fear

20-02-19, 13:49
Dear all,

I am struggling with HA for years + I have Pure O

Latest thing that I am focused on and scared as s*** is that I have Lupus.

I have gout and last few years I have small pain in my hands / fingers that always last for some period and it stops...last few months I developed redness on cheeks that looks like rosacea and I visited dermatologist who conifrmed that. I read and googled on net that red rash on face and finger pain are manifestation of Lupus. After that I was terrified that I will die, that I am doomed etc and I cant stop googling and checking symptoms. Also I started to conivnce myself that dermatologist was worng in hes diagnosis. After I started to have this fear my hands started to hurt and I am convinced that I have it but have HUGE fear to go to Dr as I am scared to hear hes confirmation..I dont know what to do...

20-02-19, 15:59
They can do a blood test to test for antibodies that people with lupus and RA usually have. Dr. Google is not your doctor. If you are worried go see a doctor.