View Full Version : Exposed to asbestos in the past and struggling to cope

20-02-19, 16:29
I’ve been exposed to asbestos through house renovations (white asbestos was confirmed) and I can go months without being overwhelmed about it and then something will trigger me (like chest pain or a tight throat) and I’ll plunge back into despair about it. The worse thing is when we knocked down a wall without realising it had an asbestos coating on it until after, my children weren’t in the house at the time but they saw my husband after and his clothes were dirty. It was all cleaned up (partly by me) and before we moved back in the air had been professionally checked but there was a two nights when we slept there when it hadn’t been fully cleared up (before we knew) and this just kills me that they have been exposed. Some days I just don’t know how t get through the day. I’ve also had exposure at my mums house when an old flu pipe was dawn off by a plumber who obviously didn’t care about the risk. I feel so sick with worry when I think about it.

20-02-19, 16:32
Well it could take 40 years to find out tbh not alot you can do with it broken through walls and fire places with it in but hey thats life ppl smoke 60 fags some will get lung cancer some wont

20-02-19, 16:47
Most people who are middle aged and over have been exposed to asbestos. Only a small proportion will develop problems. How long ago was this?

20-02-19, 17:02
The first exposure about ten years ago- the flu pipe, the stuff with the wall was about two years ago. Around that time we also had new soffits and fascias fitted) plastic over probable asbestos - again didn’t know it at the time. There were also vinyl asbestos tiles on the floors. We’ve moved now, but that house was basically a 1960s death trap. I don’t know how to bear it it consumes my thoughts. It’s mainly about my poor innocent children.

20-02-19, 18:49
The first exposure about ten years ago- the flu pipe, the stuff with the wall was about two years ago. Around that time we also had new soffits and fascias fitted) plastic over probable asbestos - again didn’t know it at the time. There were also vinyl asbestos tiles on the floors. We’ve moved now, but that house was basically a 1960s death trap. I don’t know how to bear it it consumes my thoughts. It’s mainly about my poor innocent children.
Perhaps talking to an expert about the actual risks, statistically speaking, would help? I suspect the numbers are very small and that might help put things in perspective.... (actually talk to someone though, don’t google)

20-02-19, 18:54
Found this on a government website:

“Everyone is exposed to asbestos at some time during their life. Low levels of asbestos are present in the air, water, and soil. However, most people do not become ill from their exposure. People who become ill from asbestos are usually those who are exposed to it on a regular basis, most often in a job where they work directly with the material or through substantial environmental contact.”

20-02-19, 19:15
Found this on a government website:

“Everyone is exposed to asbestos at some time during their life. Low levels of asbestos are present in the air, water, and soil. However, most people do not become ill from their exposure. People who become ill from asbestos are usually those who are exposed to it on a regular basis, most often in a job where they work directly with the material or through substantial environmental contact.”

You know the HA mind will grab onto "work directly" and ignore the rest. For what its worth, the bottom line is, based on the amount of exposure stated, is that it's not an issue :lac:

Positive thoughts

20-02-19, 20:14
Thanks so much for taking the time to reply to me, I truly appreciate it.

21-02-19, 01:16
I am not 100% certain, but there is a very high probability that I was exposed to asbestos when I ripped out the kitchen flooring in my 100 year old home. There were probably layers of asbestos and tar, and I just hack hacked at it.

I had moments of being preoccupied in the past, but I have come to acceptance with it. There is literally nothing I can do about it now. I exposed myself to a risk, and that is just that and I will deal with it if I ever have to. No use crossing a bridge before you've even come to it.

Maybe knowing that other HAers have been exposed and are not catastrophizing it will help you put it in perspective too!!! I hope so.

21-02-19, 10:34
Both my Dad and my uncle worked with asbestos when they were young(20s) my uncle did get lung cancer from the exposure but my Dad didn't! So expoure only means increased risk not certainty to develop! And although my uncle did develop it he was in his 80s! His 80s!! It took 60 years for him to get it and probably only developed because of his age. I honestly wouldn't worry, we are exposing our children to new things all the time that could turn out to be hazardous in the future. it's completly out of our control. And worse case scenario if in 40-60 years any of you were unlucky enough to develop lc I'd like to think we'd have a cure by then!

22-02-19, 03:31
I struggle with anxiety off and on and had this worry. A few friends and I went into an old sanatorium(DeJarnettes) years ago. We explored all kinds of areas. Went into the basemant to look around. I noticed a crystal like flashes in the light of the flashlight and was dumbfounded for a moment as to what it could be. Then piles all over the floor. Then noticed the signs on the wall of the location being a p100 respirator requirement area(building was going though a partial demo/resto or something). We got out of the basement. I don’t talk with them as much, but I don’t even think they remember that. I do as health is on the forefront for me. The one thing that helps my thoughts is that it’s not something that comes on fast. It takes lots of years to make an appearance if it’s going to affect you. I always conform myself by thinking, if it happens years down the road, maybe by that time we will have enough medical advances to where I’ll live a normal life. Otherwise it’s on my mind enough to know that if something does start appearing at least I can get a jump on things at the first sign.