View Full Version : Anxiety Over Dermodex Mites

21-02-19, 02:57
Soooooo from what I have looked up online, we all have these things called dermodex mites crawling on our face constantly. Thousands of them. And they're more active at night. I'm trying to accept that they're microscopic and we can't see them....and most people don't have an excess amount of them. But if you do it can cause an allergic reaction to them and make your face itch. And it can cause rosacea or red flaky skin on your forehead which I have. So needless to say I'm riddled with anxiety over it. And at night when they're said to be more active, my face itches a lot. And I hear tea tree oil around your eyes will get rid if them but I really don't want that on my eyes. My health anxiety varies constantly and this is my latest worry. Any ideas??

21-02-19, 03:57
First, why were you looking this up? This is the first time I've ever heard of these, so it's definitely not something one just stumbles upon on the internet.

I also read the wiki page about them and it said about half of the adult population carries them, so not everyone. But, what specifically is making you anxious about them? There are microorganisms all over us and everything around us at all time. These are just one variation, and a seemingly benign one.

I would blame at least some of your itching on your anxiety or just simply thinking of mites! I started to itch the moment I read your post!