View Full Version : Irritated urethra

21-02-19, 09:58
Hi there.

I'm a 38 year old female. I've been on the site many times reading post from other users but this is the first time I've posted. I've felt time and time again that I've hit rock bottom but now I feel this time I have for sure. I suffer from, at times severe health anxiety. This issue I have at the moment I can't seem to find others with the same symptom so I'm reaching out for some help.

In 2015 a few months after having my 2nd child I would get a tingling (not stinging or burning) feeling in my urethra sometimes after I pee. I had other health fears at the time and I had a catheter at the time of my sons birth so i thought that maybe it caused a slight injury. The dr did a urine dip and said everything was fine I brushed it off and went onto the next thing(which I do) a couple months ago it came back. It's not everytime and sometimes it last only a minute or two and is very mild other times it last alot longer and is very obvious. If I sit a certain way apply pressure to my urethra it goes away. I had a urine test done which showed no blood and no sign of infection and it was sent to the lab (I don't know what they test for/rule out there???) but I'm scared outta my mind that it's something sinister and the doctors are missing something. I drink lots of water and generally have a healthy diet and I exercise. I have recently put on over a stone in weight and eating a higher than usual sugary diet so I don't know if the sugar is irritating my urethra.
Sorry for the ramble. I suppose I'm just wondering if anyone gets anything similar?

21-02-19, 11:32
YES !!!!! Omg MAJOR MAJOR yes. I had this only last week, for the whole week on and off. I mentioned it to my adult daughter, she states that now and again she has the same and described exactly the same as you are here. I actually made an appointment to get some antibiotics thinking it must be a UTI, but it has now gone and cancelled appointment....and I've had the same before a few times thinking back. Two years ago I also had it for a few weeks. It started suddenly last week, went to the loo one time and had a massive stinging burning, pain and then over the day it gradually got better to hardly there, next day not there at all, next day there mildly and so it went on with tingling and itching feeling remaining after going to the wee in the whole 'lady bit' area and it also felt like I still wanted to go, and needed to go regularly.

I am sure there is no infection, and never was, and it also hurt (with a sharp pain all kind of up inside) in certain sitting positions and oddly when my left leg reached forward a long way. Go figure. Sooooo I have put this down to some type of thing that women cyclists sometimes get from pressure on the vulva/arethral area causing some odd internal irritation. For a few days I stopped sitting on high stools, with my legs up on the footrest as figured that was doing something odd in terms of pressure. I changed my sitting position at the computer and made sure both legs were planted firmly and flat on the floor. I stopped crossing my legs (easier said that done) and stopped sitting on the sofa with my right leg curled under my bottom. Basically I changed all sitting positions to ensure pressure wasn't put on 'that' area and also when going to the toilet I tried to go slowly and gently, stopping and starting a bit but making sure the internal muscles weren't shocked LOL

Anyhow, for me, after a few days, it seems to have worked. I just HAD to reply to you as this was something that really stressed me out last week. There is something called 'urethral syndrome' (look it up), for which the cause is often not found, but isn't usually bacterial in origin. My theory is that mine was set off by some odd postural/sitting position. Oh I did increase my water intake at the time, but to be honest I don't think that made any difference as there was no infection to flush out. Also, unlike a UTI it wasn't worse in the morning, which I've always had in the past with a UTI, it was actually better in the morning as if the area had been 'rested'. I'm not a HA sufferer perse, so didn't jump to anything serious being the issue as generally I come from the 'its more likely nothing' angle, I was more stressed as didn't want to take antibiotics lol

21-02-19, 11:53
Hi. I seem to be fine in the morning but afternoon early evening tends to be the time it creeps in. I thought exercise was maybe aggravating it. I'm training for a half marathon and just started running longer distances in the freezing cold so felt it could possibly be a chill in my urethra. I've not experienced pain or burning but sometimes it can almost feel like it's pulsating. I think if I went to the Drs to push for a diagnosis they would just tell me it's stress and dismiss it. Comfort to know others have the same sort of symptoms.

21-02-19, 11:55
I thought exercise was maybe aggravating it.

I think that is definitely possible, definitely. Everything is so delicate down there for women, and repetitive pressure and movements, I think, can cause issues. SAme as me then, morning was ok, as the area was 'rested'. WHy not ask some female runners?

21-02-19, 12:08
I asked my dr and he said it seemed unlikely but more likely surgar/spicy foods. Thing is my dr refused to discuss my symptoms in detail with me as he thinks it re-inforces my need to constantly seek reassurance. He said my urine showed no blood and that's enough for them not to look into it any further.

21-02-19, 12:09
I asked my dr and he said it seemed unlikely but more likely surgar/spicy foods. Thing is my dr refused to discuss my symptoms in detail with me as he thinks it re-inforces my need to constantly seek reassurance. He said my urine showed no blood and that's enough for them not to look into it any further. Which is fine from the surgerys point of few but leaves me lost and still with this symptom.

21-02-19, 13:08
Well, sorry to disagree with a medical professional, but I wouldn't mind betting that a urinary/gynae specialist might disagree. Through my own 'looking into' this it appears that friction from running shorts, sex, bicycle seats and all sorts can cause odd sensations and pains in that area. I think you should request a referral to try to get to the bottom of it (excuse pun)

21-02-19, 13:32
I think he said that the long running in the cold wouldn't cause an issue but potentially could aggravating my symptoms and suggested taking positive steps to try and combat it e.g barrier cream etc. If I thought that would help.