View Full Version : Afraid that there’s something seriously wrong with me.

22-02-19, 01:54
This has happened to me before but only on some occasions. Okay so I was eating a chicken burrito and tortilla chips and right before I was finished with my chips, I got a strong feeling of nausea and had to sit there for a minute and eventually it went away after a minute or two. I’ve also had problems with heart burn since I was 21 and I take tums before bed some nights to avoid waking up choking on stomach acid. I’ve also on occasion had problems where I’ll burp continuously for hours on end and I can’t stop it. I’m really afraid I have something wrong with me like stomach cancer or a stomach ulcer. Thinking about going to the doctor. Maybe it’s a helicobacter pylori infection.

22-02-19, 08:22
I had similar symptoms and it was heli

It not nice but treatable . Get checked
