View Full Version : back with avengance

05-09-07, 14:05
Hi guys some of you may remember me on here from like 2 years ago but i want to come back and get some reasurrance as feel awful sometimes and kind of fine the next day and so on.

With anxiety and panic is it true that u can still feel this way all the time even when not panicking much?????

i get lightheaded, hot flushes, feel scared im gonna faint, can get chlosotrophobic when in a waiting room or on a bus.

Just scared sometimes that everyday is my last and all i want in life is to live happily ever after with someone go on holidays and not feel this awful feeling that can get so bad, i just wanna go on hols and love and live life to the full.

pls any words would be appreciated

thanks for ur time


05-09-07, 14:10
hey katy,

I know what you mean, i was bad about 2 years ago too and it went away but now it has come back.
Have you thought about why it has come back? Thsi can help with coping with it and feeling in control again. Have u been under any stress or worry? Even if youre not right now it could be your brains reaction to stress which occured a few weeks/months ago.

It is possible to feel the symptoms of panic wthout the actual panic, this is probably more anxiety.

I hope youre okay, its horrible when you want so much to enjoy life and be happy while it is holding you back. I'm confident with a bit of work you can do this though : )

11-09-07, 06:02
Hi guys some of you may remember me on here from like 2 years ago but i want to come back and get some reasurrance as feel awful sometimes and kind of fine the next day and so on.

With anxiety and panic is it true that u can still feel this way all the time even when not panicking much?????

i get lightheaded, hot flushes, feel scared im gonna faint, can get chlosotrophobic when in a waiting room or on a bus.

Just scared sometimes that everyday is my last and all i want in life is to live happily ever after with someone go on holidays and not feel this awful feeling that can get so bad, i just wanna go on hols and love and live life to the full.

pls any words would be appreciated

thanks for ur time



It happens. Anxiety is usually a life long committment. It goes and it comes and it goes and it comes.

They say the bodies chemicals change every so often.We are mostly chemicals so therefore things that we are exposed to at times sometimes two to ten years or even 20 years later can cause a reaction.

I wish I knew something reassuring to say but wanted you to know its not uncommon. I have gone as long at 10 years and nothing and then out of the blue have the worse panic attack in the most out of way place from just a random feeling..or is it?

Maybe its something in the air.Maybe its something that we drank,"not meaning alcohol" or maybe its a smell."something we remember" from that time. Its happen to me and im sure it will happen again.

The only way to get away from anxiety is to face it down.There was a book written years ago by a man name Dale Carnagie. I have never read it but should have.One of the things it said is "Do what you are afraid of doing everyday and then do it again the next" Also there are others.."the only thing to fear is fear itself" written in stone basically or immortalized by a famous person also a anxious person .

The last few years have been very hard on me.I went from a don't have a care in the world to worrying about every little ache and pain and feeling.Its been a struggle.

I have faced it before and won so I felt I could do it again. You can too. When you are anxiety free or seem to be and then have a relapse.Always remember its like a disease you are born with.Its never going away totally ,you just learn to control it better and better.

Its like any other disease it will come and go all your life.Just do the best you can ,enjoy your life and push ahead and do what you are afraid to do.Its helped me when I pushed doing somethat that could actually harm me or even make me serious ill.

Im not talking about something dangerous ,im talking about everyday things or used to be everyday things but in my mind they could have killed me or caused me to be very ill..although im still here writting this to you .

It shows that you will more than likely make it and get through it again only to surcomb to it once again.And then there are those that over come it never to experience it again.

I have longed for that to happen although not trying to discourage you .It never has .I have had anxiety since a young child controlled it over most of my life and had more control over it than less.

The odds are with you as to beat it or control it so just keep going. You will be fine.

11-09-07, 09:06
:) mrmagoo,

thankyou for your post giving advice to katyfitz. i think your way of looking at it is very positive,helpful and inspiring. i feel the same as you, as someone who has felt anxiety and panic since a relatively young age. myself i was anxious as a child but i only felt panic age 14, but i have been on a journey with it almost ever since. the times that i was free i was either on medication or just completely ignoring the situationa nd hoping it would never ever come back, it always did!!!

anyway like you say it helps if you can accept it as part of your life and carry on the best you can.

thanks again and best wishes to katy:winks: