View Full Version : Very high liver tests

22-02-19, 12:30
So after I thought I'd nipped my anxiety in the bud. I've recently had blood tests which shows my liver is really out of whack, had repeat test and it's worse. Have itchy skin and hives aswell and feel like I'm always coming down with something.

The doctor has sent me for liver scans and screenings as he doesn't know what it could be.

Obviously in my head I've got cancer everywhere. I'm also really low in vitamin d apparently and my lymphocytes and red blood cells showed in red but he said he wasn't worried about that?

Just need some reassurance really as my panicking attacks have now started again and I'm back to square one with the health anxiety.

22-02-19, 13:09
What liver enzymes and how high? Been there before and they have always returned to normal. It's always been related to a virus, medication, etc.

22-02-19, 13:21
Both of the main ones alt especially.
Apparently on all of my tests over the years it's always been high but getting worse so the doctor is sure something is going on.

22-02-19, 13:50
I don't have any experience or wisdom to impart about what could be going on with your liver. Unfortunately, you have a true issue that is being explored by a doctor. All you can really do in this situation is take it as it comes. I know how hard that is with HA. I have been through it, not with liver things but other things, more than once. Some of those times I have been a basket case, thinking the worst, other times I have been able to keep my head in check. The result will be what it is, whether we worry or not. If you really find you can't stop worrying, it's probably best not to google at all. That just propels it. And also, live normally as best you can.

Keep us updated!

22-02-19, 13:58
Usually it could be fatty liver if it's just alt and ast. Not a terrible thing. I am.sure your doctor will be able.to.figure it out.

22-02-19, 15:57
Do you drink alcohol or take medication?

22-02-19, 16:20
I don't drink at all, eat very healthy, recently lost 2 stone so I'm not really overweight.. I take thyroxine for my thyroid. Just weird how I feel sick all the time tired and feel so I'll. So worried about it being cancer

22-02-19, 16:43
I don't drink at all, eat very healthy, recently lost 2 stone so I'm not really overweight.. I take thyroxine for my thyroid. Just weird how I feel sick all the time tired and feel so I'll. So worried about it being cancer

Thyroid issues alone can throw off liver function tests and blood cell counts......

24-02-19, 10:52
I had a text this morning saying I've got an appointment for radiology on Sunday next week. It's gone through so quick and surprised me how it's a Sunday. Now I'm worried as they've got me in for the '2 week referral''.

24-02-19, 13:12
Out of curiosity, can you post the actual values of the labs that we're out of range?

24-02-19, 14:17
I haven't got access to then unfortunately. He just said he needs to send me to the hospital to do all checks. So autoimmune testing is one of them as I already have one autoimmune disease. Currently have a water infection that started this morning just to make things even worse😤

21-03-19, 17:55
I posted a couple of weeks ago about my liver enzymes being high so was referred for an ultrasound.. good news, the ultrasound of my upper abdomen has come back fine and normal.

I was diagnosed with low vit d and now also low folate so taking more tablets as well as my thyroid ones. My liver is still high and is still being monitored.

Recently I'm getting the worst heart palpitations and dizziness. Literally my heart jumps out fast and takes my breath. My panic attacks are a whole lot worse and I can't even drive anymore without having to pull over due to panic attacks behind the wheel.

I scared these low vit levels are cashing heart problems, can this happen? A high liver is still worrying me, my alt was 108 the last time I went.

21-03-19, 18:12

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

21-03-19, 18:59
If your ultrasound of your liver has turned out fine then there you go. Your liver enzymes need to be managed and you DID mention to us that they've been high for awhile. My enzymes are high due to fatty liver but since you don't have it and you have vitamin deficiencies then get that squared away. May be a matter of diet and getting supplements for whatever nutrients you're missing due to going vegan.

Also I repeat myself in other threads (and I try to follow this advice) but do see a therapist to manage your health anxiety issues. They may not be specialized in whatever is directly ailing you but they have experience dealing with us health anxiety types. They can provide you tools and medicine you can use to deal with these episodes.

22-03-19, 12:47
If it helps, my ALT was 117 in 2017, 123 in 2018. My AST was 60 in 2017, 55 in 2018.

I also had four trips to A&E in the past 18 months (health anxiety related...I was sure I had ALS, Guillain–Barre, internal bleading and heart troubles on each separate occasion :) !!) They also performed blood tests on each visit.

Guess what?! Not one Dr's report mentioned anything about my liver results - reading them now and they talk about why I was there, the Dr I saw (different each time) and a diagnosis of anxiety.

I was given copies of my blood test results and it was only after reading them and seeing my numbers were outside the normal range that I asked my GP about them. He mentioned the numbers had been like that for a few years and were nothing to worry about (he knows me very well and takes the time to explain results in greater detail than most would to help satisfy my anxiety).

I eventually had an ultrasound and that was fine. My GP explained that these numbers can get out of whack for various reasons, even the simple fact of being anxious can increase liver levels, but they were just not that high to really bother him.

Despite me worrying constantly that I had something more sinister going on, I just keep looking at the 4 different Dr's names that reviewed my blood results from the A&E visits, along with my regular GP who also did the same and have decided that 5 x real Doctors are better than anything Google comes up with!