View Full Version : Any post-menopasuals here with lifelong GAD?

23-02-19, 00:47
Really getting me down lately.

I've been stressed out since the holidays with the gift buying (I pour over each one as it has to be perfect) decorations, tree, visiting (social anxiety) and all and my stress level - leading right to a major case of health anxiety is off the charts.

Everything is driving me crazy. In my long life GAD I've had almost 100 incidents of "catastrophic" illnesses from brain tumor, breast cancer (that's a biggee) melanoma (another biggee) Parkinson's, heart disease, polio, colon cancer, bladder cancer, ovarian cancer...just about everything bad you can think of.

I will go for months and be fine but when something de-rails my daily routine (even going on vacation) I start getting stressed - all this is getting worse as I get older. Then I can't sleep, hyperventilate, don't want to go out of the house. I don't take any meds (afraid of side effects) and try to handle all this with daily exercise, meditation and prayer but I'm thinking maybe its time to start taking some rx - any suggestion.

Right now my major relief is running and drinking wine after 5 PM - just a few glasses to take the edge off. I look forward to it all day. Recently I've ratcheted it up to sipping vodka....

So that's me -anyone other senior manic worriers here like me???
Thanks for reading.

23-02-19, 07:48
Hi, well I'm post menopausal but don't drink 'a few glasses to take the edge off'! I do have a couple of glasses of wine in the weekends or if we go out.

I actually think that my anxiety has decreased as I've got older but I've always been a worrier! I think we owe it to ourselves to be pro-active in our health care so having the regular yearly tests ie mammogram, smear test, skin check and blood tests is the best plan. If anything else suspicious appears I go to the Dr and get it checked early, so I'm not worrying for ages. Exercise is great, I fast walk for an hour every day and it does help my frame of mind and gives me more energy. It also helps me keep to a healthy weight.

Sleeping issues are annoying for post menopausal women, most of my friends have these issues. If you're not working then lack of sleep isn't such a big deal but if you are then you may need some medication to help with this. Sleeping pills and hypnotics are only for short term use as they're addictive (up to 10 days). A low dose antidepressant is a much better longer term solution, something like Doxepin, Amitriptyline or the newer SSRI's/SNRI's etc, these are prescription meds. I wouldn't worry about side effects as long as you're leading a healthy life style. I've been on a low dose antidepressant for 20+ years, it's not for depression but helps me with my autoimmune stuff (I have Chronic Fatigue syndrome).

Have a talk to your Dr and he/she may be able to help you with some of these post-menopausal issues. Cut back on the booze, do something else you like, get out and enjoy life :)

23-02-19, 19:40
I could have written your post Vatatea, every single word apart from the fact that you don’t take medication. I take Sertraline (have done for 20 years).
Im entering menopause; periods very infrequent and irregular now and currently in another spiral of health anxiety.

You aren’t alone x

24-02-19, 00:17
Hey, another menopausal wreck here. I have been on low dose Amitriptyline for about year and a half, but before I was for many years on Lexapro. Stopped because I felt better, but three years ago got horrible C DIff Infection from notorious antibiotic and while treating, stopped it. C DIff left me with additional fear, actually PTSD, and I became severely OCD and a complete germaphobe. I am afraid of literally everything. Also have vaginal atrophy which feels like constant low grade UTI - extremely unpleasant. IN constant fear of having to take antibiotics because of C DIff which is absolutely horrifying intestinal infection. Also - very unhappy in general. I do not think I need to say more, but wold love to exchange tips for betterment, and simply words of comfort with another menopausal fellow sufferers.

24-02-19, 00:19

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


24-02-19, 08:08
Hey, another menopausal wreck here. I have been on low dose Amitriptyline for about year and a half, but before I was for many years on Lexapro. Stopped because I felt better, but three years ago got horrible C DIff Infection from notorious antibiotic and while treating, stopped it. C DIff left me with additional fear, actually PTSD, and I became severely OCD and a complete germaphobe. I am afraid of literally everything. Also have vaginal atrophy which feels like constant low grade UTI - extremely unpleasant. IN constant fear of having to take antibiotics because of C DIff which is absolutely horrifying intestinal infection. Also - very unhappy in general. I do not think I need to say more, but wold love to exchange tips for betterment, and simply words of comfort with another menopausal fellow sufferers.

Vaginal atrophy is very common in post-menopause and can cause bleeding and discharge and also itching and soreness. An estrogen cream like Ovestin will really help with dryness. It also helps with urinary/urinary tract issues also, I highly recommend it :)

24-02-19, 16:05
Thank you, I know. I have been on topical Estrace for 2 years now. It does help but it needs to be used regularly.

I sometimes think I am falling apart, and that I am not of any use to anyone. I have husband, very old and ill mother ( I am the only care giver), and 20 year old son in college. I also work full time, and I wish, God is my witness, I could go to early retirement. This has become with my severe menopausal symptoms, simply too much to bear. Husband not very supporting regarding retirement, which I kind of understand ( I was a big spender and not very good saver). But, at this point, I believe both my sanity and my life are at stake.

24-02-19, 21:15
Omg Lana that is me. My anxiety started with menopause and happen to be when my dad passed away. 6 years ago. Anxiety drives me crazy. Always with different symptoms. This year it throat. Also my husband is going in for knee replacement. His company closed last July. So no money coming in from him. I too could take early retirement but i cant. Lately i have been so stressed. Forget about sleep. Have to take a few things to get a couple hours of sleep. I too was spender and now it adds to it all. Im not on meds. I take a herbal vitamin and helps but some days nothing helps.

25-02-19, 23:52

I am here always to give - and receive - comforting words. Menopause is not fun even when you are super rich and do not suffer from anxiety, general or health anxiety , let alone with all we have to bear. With me too, various ailments and horrible fears from all kind of illnesses. I think if you have health anxiety, as a woman, and you get to menopause, when there are some real and unpleasant changes to your body and your mind, it truly is extremely hard, to say the least.Personally, I would not be able to survive without some meds, although I am trying to be reasonable with dosages. If I can ever help with anything , guys, just let me know.And I will be free to ask for help or a piece of advice too.

01-03-19, 00:36
Thanks Lana. Yes menopause not what it is cracked up to be. Amazing how it all started then. I use to be a strong person. I justthink too much on my shoulders right now so everything gets the anxiety up. Thanks for your encouragement.

17-06-19, 15:56
I have always had anxiety. I thought it was bad until I went through menopause. I never imagined it could be this bad. Every single day, I worry about everything, especially my health. I am so afraid of getting sick with anything, even the common cold. Forget sleeping.
I do take fluoxetine. I tried to wean my self off but it has been awful. I went to my Psych and I am increasing my dose. Its just awful. I understand. I just came across this post. I hope that you are doing better.