View Full Version : Swollen lymph nodes/neck (glandular fever/mono)

23-02-19, 16:10
I'm 19 years old and for nearly 2 months I've had swollen lymph nodes in my neck. I went to the doctors about 3 weeks ago and my blood tests came back positive for glandular fever. This surprised me because I'd only had a very mild cold about a month before.
I have got really worried about the fact they haven't gone down and that the left side of my neck is visibly swollen. It isn't a huge amount but it is definitely swollen and my GP could see it. I am quite slim so this may be why but I feel really conscious of it and can't stop thinking the worst. I have an ultrasound next week and am terrified I have lymphoma.
I feel anxious continually and have an intermittent pressure/globus sensation in my throat. I wondered if anyone else had nodes raised or this swollen after glandular fever for this long?

Thank you