View Full Version : scared about tests

05-09-07, 17:23
Hi kind people. I dont wanT to sound like a moaning minny but ,
on Monday I went to the audiology department about my dizzy spells and after a check up they announced I do have a inner ear disorder.
then near the end of the check up I told them about a buzzing i get in my ear , only when my husband talks to me, it buzzes exactly at the same time he speaks. So the specialist told me that he will be doing a test in a quiet room with pads on my head and they will play sounds to see which one effects my aucoustic nerve....then he said I dont think its anything serious.

So I was happy with that until I looked up that test on google :weep: ,
its to look for a tumour and my symptoms fit the bill perfectly, I actually feel sick to the stomach.

But one thing is he said I may have to wait for a while for the letter to arive cos there is a waiting list for that test , surely this is good :shrug: , cos they are not rushing me in.

any reasurrance much appreciated.


05-09-07, 18:17
Hey Mirry.

Wow - Google strikes again!

I think I have had the test you are talking about - Pure Tone Audiometry?

If so, I've had it twice and it's nothing to worry about. You just sit in a small, soundproof room with headphones. They play quiet beeps at different pitches and you have to click a button when you hear the beep.

I may be mistaken and you have already had this. But it does sound the same. I don't think it is necessarily looking for a Tumour/Acoustic Neuroma. If it is Pure Tone Audiometry you are having, it's just a basic hearing test which measures your hearing sensitivity.

Take care xxx

05-09-07, 18:37
Oh wow, that dreaded Google!! What are we all like, lol. I am sorry that you were so happy the other day and now you are right down again because of this. I am sure that you will be absolutley fine, i know you won't believe me though because i would probably be the same. Just keep thinking to yourself that at least you are being listened too by the doctors and having the appropriate tests done so that they can do something to help you. Think how good you felt when you had the diagnosis of an inner ear problem the other day. Let us know how you get on, all the best.xx

05-09-07, 19:17
Mirry, you will be fine ! You know this is just a normal nervous reaction about a test that has gone into overdrive because this is how your body has learned to react. Don't let it fool you, you can unlearn it just as quickly. You are fit and healthy - a hearing deficiency doesn't make you unfit or unhealthy. Be glad about your diagnosis - now you are in control and know Bherre you are going !
be kind to yourself

05-09-07, 19:58
Hi Dying swan,
I have already had the bleep hearing test done and my hearing was good but this other test is different, they put straps on your head to measure the aucoustic nerves responce to different sounds that sound like crickets.
Just to find out why my ear buzzes. Im feeling up and down about it
(bloody google ) lol.

Thanks everyone for putting my mind at rest , i do need alot of reassurance at times , It makes me feel ashamed of how insecure I am.

bye for now

05-09-07, 20:04
Hey Mirry hunny

Thanks everyone for putting my mind at rest , i do need alot of reassurance at times , It makes me feel ashamed of how insecure I am.
don't be ashamed hun. We are all in a similar boat.:hugs: I need bucketloads of the stuff!


05-09-07, 20:11
Hi Mirry

You are not a moaning Minny at all:ohmy: I think i come top of the list for that.lol

I wouldnt worry hun, like you said they wouldnt have put you on a waiting list if they thought anything was seriously wrong.:) try not to worry:D

Heres a hug too:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


05-09-07, 21:27
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
