View Full Version : So annoyed...

24-02-19, 02:59
Hey guys

First post here. So annoyed with myself, even though I guess it isn’t really my fault, I used to have pretty bad health anxiety a few years ago. It started to subside somewhat after I got a scan done after I felt a lump, it was just a cyst. Right around that time I was also immigrating from the UK to the US so my life got super busy and the health anxiety virtually went away. I’ve been in the US for almost two years now and haven’t really had any ‘big’ health worries since I got the scan done in England years ago...until this week. My wife passed onto me, I guess some sort of virus, and I had flu like symptoms - of course, a lymph node on my neck has swollen - as is pretty topical with stuff like that - and I’m now convinced I have lymphoma. 0 to 60 in about a week, unbelievable. This time feels different though, when this sort of stuff happened in the past my rational thought was completely obscured to the point where any logical or rational thought would immediately be dismissed in favor of the worst case scenario, but this time I’m well aware how irrational I’m being, and I’m well aware that it’s most likely just due to this infection. But I’m still worrying. I made the mistake of Googling it, and although Google does say that with cancerous lumps in the neck they’re typically immovable, mine is movable, I’m still panicking!

24-02-19, 05:28
We've all been there, don't beat yourself up about it. The important thing is that you recognise these thoughts as irrational. Have you ever undergone any treatment for your anxiety? It might help.

25-02-19, 02:07
I’m well aware that it’s most likely just due to this infection. But I’m still worrying.

This is the story of my anxiety. I'm an anxiety veteran. I know every sign, every bad habit, etc... but sometimes I just can't pull myself out. At my very first therapy appointment my therapist remarked on how self-aware I am about my anxiety. She said in some ways this is good, but in others it can be very frustrating because you can see exactly what's happening, but cannot always stop it. Like watching a car accident happen and not being able to do anything about it.

But, I do think knowing deep down that it's anxiety can help eventually pull your out faster than if you were still totally unaware of what was happening.

26-02-19, 19:51
I can so so relate. I’m going through it right now worrying about something when I know I needn’t but still can’t get it out of my head. I get so angry with myself too because I know deep down it’s my anxiety playing on my fears and I can’t seem to shift it. Hope you overcome it soon which you will x