View Full Version : Ear worries

24-02-19, 07:21
Hi, so short recap: a couple of weeks ago after cleaning my ears with q-tips (I know you shouldn’t and I don’t plan to in the future, also I didn’t push it very deep) my ears hurt a bit and naturally I got concerned and had a nurse(?) check them out. They told me they were fine, didn’t look irritated but there was some earwax so they gave me some drops to put in and told me to come get them rinsed later so about a week ago I did, after that my ears kind of rang whenever I would take a heavy step but but it only lasted about a day and I figured it was just water left in my ears.

Now for a few days I’ve been hearing this noise while trying to sleep, like a very low hum that also kind of rings, the best way to describe it would be as if a car was running but sat still. I don’t know if it’s coming from somewhere in my building (it doesn’t seem to be coming from outside) or if it’s me. Yesterday I woke up to one of my ears hurting and it freaked me out. Today I’ve been awake for a little under two hours and one of my ears (I can’t remember if it was the same one that hurt yesterday) hurt out of nowhere again. It passed pretty quickly but as I bit my teeth I could still feel a hint of it below my ear near my jaw. My local health center isn’t open on the weekends and I’m just trying to figure out if this is urgent enough that I should go to the emergency room today or if I should wait to go to the health center tomorrow.

24-02-19, 07:32
None of this sounds even remotely ‘urgent’ at all so I definitely wouldn’t go to urgent care/emergency rooms at all.
I personally wouldn’t go to the doctors on two brief instances of ear pain at all if I’m completely honest.

What worries you about it?

Positive vibes,


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24-02-19, 08:51
No, not urgent at all. The human body has assorted minor pains now and again, thats what most people deal with and don't bat an eyelid, but to those with HA is grows out of perspective. I am a tooth clencher, and often get the humming, odd ear pain thing that can last a few days. Like midnight-mouse, I wouldn't go to the doctor about this either. Give it time, don't bother it, and see if it resolves.