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View Full Version : Brain Tumour Worry

24-02-19, 17:39
Hi everyone, so I haven't posted on here in agesssss I thought I'd gotten over my HA but it's back with a vengence. So basically I know it sounds silly but for the past few weeks I've been getting like a strange feeling in the fingers on ym left hand like I tingling/numbness, it's not there all the time and seems to get worse if I focus on it. Now I am completely obsessed that I have a brain tumour. I take anti-anxiety medication which in extremely rare cases can affect the heart so my Psych had an ECG done just to make sure it wasn't that and my ECG was compeltely normal, resting heart rate was a bit high 105 but I was anxious when I was having it done. The constant anxiety is just creating more and more symptoms espeically dizziness.

I'm gonna go to the GP to have my hand checked but I just want to know if there are any other conditions which can cause this? I've literally got no other symptoms apart from the numbness in my fingers. Could this be a brain tumour? All my family keep telling me there'd be other symptoms especially a persistent headache. My dad's friend has a brain tumour and at first he had worse symptoms, memory loss, headaches, confusion etc.

Thanks everyone!

24-02-19, 18:23
Anxiety can cause it or a trapped nerve or carpal tunnel syndrome. A whole list of things but not brain tumours.

24-02-19, 18:42
Thank you, is carpal tunnel like RSI?

24-02-19, 18:54
Brain tumours are more likely to cause seizures rather than a tingle to the fingers.
Yes carpal tunnel is a type of RSI. More likely to cause tingling in the fingers.

24-02-19, 21:28
Thanks so much I feel a lot calmer now. Now that I think about it whenever I've been playing games on my laptop I rest my head on my hand for hours on end without a break lol so that's probably caused it. Thanks again

24-02-19, 21:53
While you are correct in that brain tumours *can* cause tingling in the fingers, when they do this, its not as you describe.

You could either have carpal tunnel syndrome OR ulnar tunnel syndrome (you don't say which fingers are affected).

Your GP can test you quickly and issue a diagnosis.

But, you can rest assured between now and then - this is not a brain tumour.

Good luck

PS: I'm a self-declared brain tumour expert - they were/are my number one fear

24-02-19, 22:01
Now that I think about it whenever I've been playing games on my laptop I rest my head on my hand for hours on end without a break lol so that's probably caused it.

Ya think? :whistles: :winks:

Positive thoughts

25-02-19, 03:01
Yes- almost certainly carpel tunnel or cubital tunnel. I get the latter, which causes numbness in the pinky and ring finger primarily. I always get it when I'm on my computer too long because it originates in the elbow and runs down to those fingers (think the nerve that's activated when you hit your funny bone).