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View Full Version : Diabetes Paranoia

27-02-19, 06:05
I've had a persistent headache all day today... Felt very fatigued for parts of it too. Very thirsty, I've been drinking a lot of water. I'm concerned that maybe this is Type 2 Diabetes, as I'm aware that the symptoms I've listed are classic indicators of it. However I don't know if just one day of it is enough to cause concern.

Everything online says 'if you have these symptoms GO TO A DOCTOR the sooner the better!' But I don't want to be jumping to conclusions quickly. I could just be having an off day after all, or my hypochondria could just me making things worse. I try my best not to go to the doctor at every little concern, for the sake of not getting into the habit, and also so that I don't get dismissed as a constant worrier. But I don't want to ignore something important, either.

Any thoughts? Thanks.

27-02-19, 07:01
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it for just one day. If it persists beyond a couple of weeks get it checked, maybe?

27-02-19, 11:57
I feel your pain! I've been stressing about diabetes all week but I think if you focus on it you seem to notice more symptoms. I've had light tingling in my hands and feet that's freaked me out. I hate going the doctors though :/

Try to find something to distract yourself, like watching a comedy film? If you don't notice any symptoms when you're focused on something else it might help

28-02-19, 03:04
I wouldn't worry about this after a day. The thirst and peeing are pretty extreme with diabetes. My brother was diagnosed with type 1 at age 11 because he started wetting the bed, not just drinking a bit more and peeing a bit more. (I realize this isn't exactly the same), but my cat also get diabetes (which is like type 2) and he was literally drinking a full giant water bowl in an hour and soaking the entire litter box with pee every day. It was unmistakeable.

A headache, fatigue, and being thirsty could just be because maybe you didn't drink enough yesterday and you're slightly behind on fluids. I try my best to drink enough, but some days I do a terrible job and end up parched either later that day or the next day.