View Full Version : Terrified that this means something! help!

28-02-19, 21:06
so ive suffered with health anxiety for years now, i thought i was doing so well but i recently seem to have relapsed. im sat in bed scared to go to sleep because over the course of today, my body aches so much, the glands in my neck feel so sore to touch,the back of my neck is really painful to touch as is my chest and shoulders and upper back. I keep getting a weird warm squeezing sensation down my left arm and i had abit of chest pain earlier. Now i did have my first gym session a couple days ago but surely that wouldnt cause pain to touch. i also drank lastnight very much and have had a hangover for half the day. I feel shaky aswell. Im scared in going to die in my sleep tonight im so so tired and want to go to sleep but i darent! am i over thinking things?

28-02-19, 21:16
So you had you first gym session (often post gym pain is worst two days after working out) and decided to follow that up with an alcohol binge, and the resulting hangover?

And you're wondering why you feel like crap?

And you're wondering if you're over thinking things?

Well yes, yes you are.

Go to sleep.

28-02-19, 21:36
Agree with AJoe... DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) and hangovers don't mix too well.

Ibuprofen, hydration and sleep are in order.

Positive thoughts